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The 8 Most Unlikeable Heroes In Comic Book Properties

Since the dawn of the comic books, we've been taught to love the heroes and hate the villains. It's the natural order of life, of course, where we should raise our saviors to the rafters and chastise the troublemakers for their evil doings. Good versus bad, and all that jazz.

Damian Wayne

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Not even the fact that he’s Batman’s son can prevent Damian Wayne from being one of the most hated characters in DC Comics. To be fair, he’s a little jerk, and treats everyone around him like dirt, so it’s within reason that he’s despised by all. Or maybe it’s those annoying “tt” reactions from him that drive us bonkers.

In case you forgot, this is the kid who kidnapped the Teen Titans, fires members on a whim, and tried to kill Tim Drake (several times) when he first joined Batman’s side. So, it’s not hard to imagine why he fails to make most people’s Christmas lists – including Alfred’s. In fact, it’s surprising that a socialite like Dick Grayson actually makes time for the boisterous brat.

Since his bloodline is half al Ghul, it might explain the (many) issues with him. Nonetheless, he isn’t doing himself any favors by continuing with the same bad behaviors. Where’s the self-awareness, Damian? According to you, you’re supposed to be the master of everything, right? So, check yourself before you wreck yourself, yo.