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Zombie preppers fear the worst as ‘The Queen is Back’ begins to trend online

The moment we never thought would come has arrived. But no, not that moment.

After a 70-year reign, the world said its final goodbyes to Queen Elizabeth II last week. Whatever importance this event may hold to the individual, one thing we can probably all get behind is Twitter’s collective momentary confusion upon the discovery that #THEQUEENISBACK was trending, considering – you know – the beloved monarch is supposed to be in her final resting place at the King George VI Memorial Chapel.

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However, doomsday preppers should note they can safely holster their shotguns and come out of their bunkers and keep carrying on stockpiling rations, the end of the world has not arrived and the Queen is still at peace. 

Rather, the furor can be attributed to an arguably unfortunately worded Instagram comment on Rihanna’s Instagram by none other than Justin Bieber

The comment is in reference to the photo of Rihanna holding up a football, seemingly confirming she will be making a long-awaited return to the stage for the 2023 Super Bowl.

The NFL later confirmed that the superstar would be headlining the half-time performance, sharing the same image on social media.

Of course, unfortunate timing aside, on any other day, this proclamation would be pretty spot on — as the pop icon has been largely absent from the music scene for the past six years since the release of her last album in 2016, Anti. However, it looks like RiRi is raring to go for a return to the spotlight, and in a big way. 

In the six years since Anti, she has been focused on growing as a business mogul with her Fenti beauty and fashion products. More recently, motherhood has been the challenge Rihanna has been busy tackling, welcoming a baby boy into the world with A$AP Rocky back in May this year.