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The most common Zodiac signs of serial killers – they aren’t what you’d think

Born under a bad sign?

Jeffery Dahmer promo
Photo via Netflix

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what’s the deadliest Zodiac sign of all? Could it be yours? The answer may surprise you. While you might have assumed there would be a high number of trigger-happy Aries, some revenge-loving Scorpios or even a few calculating Capricorns, you would be mistaken. A quick Google search will pull up infamous serial killers’ birthdays and it doesn’t take long to see a pattern start to emerge. However, well-known TikToker Lauren Skrivin took it one step further and actually crunched all the numbers. She (and we) came up with these results.

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There are four signs that really stand out in the serial killer world, in fact almost every well-known serial killer you can think of was born under one of these four signs. Spooky. They are Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius. The interesting thing about these four signs is that they are all mutable, meaning they come at the end of the month, and all the elements are represented. Virgo is an Earth sign, Gemini is air, Pisces is water, and Sagittarius is a fire sign.

As far as sheer numbers Virgo takes the serial killer cake but the other three signs feature far more well-known names in the wild world of serial killers. Check out which well-known names fall into which well-known signs.


Albert DeSalvo
Getty Images

Ok, it was slightly less surprising that this one made the list, what was surprising however was the sheer volume of killers that fall under this sign, making it the most common Zodiac killer sign. In fact one of the first known serial killers was born under this sign — a killer from before the term even existed — Albert DeSalvo, aka “The Boston Strangler.” DeSalvo was reportedly responsible for the rape and murder of thirteen women between 1962 and 1964. Other murderers such as “The Grim Sleeper” – Lonnie Franklin Jr., and Henry Lee Lucas also fall under this Zodiac sign.

Virgo is an Earth sign and it is not exactly known for its sensitivity. Virgos can be very strict and regimented and their commitment to cleanliness is unparalleled. If someone gets in the way of their order, that person can become a target of their rage. Nothing is more triggering to a Virgo than someone not going with their program. They are also meticulous, so their crime scenes often leave very distinguishable patterns, which can lead to their undoing.

Virgo often has a hard time forming emotional connections with people and are known for their black-and-white thinking, often categorizing people and events in their life. It is not a big leap to imagine a Virgo thinking that because someone is “bad” they might “deserve to die.” That combined with a lack of emotional connection to the potential victim and it isn’t hard to see why Virgo might have made the top of the serial killer chart. The other signs listed, however, are much more surprising.


Dahmer Prison
Image via Oxygen

Gemini may be secondary in numbers but it certainly has some of the most recognizable names on the serial killer roster. Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz, and Robert Lee Yates all fall under this Zodiac sign.

So what about this sign makes it so deadly? Well, Gemini is an air sign, represented by the twins. The idea is that there are two sides, or personalities that this sign can flip between, kind of a good cop/bad cop situation. This phenomenon is known in the astrological community as “The Gemini Flip.” It makes a lot of sense that Jeffery Dahmer — one of the most notorious serial killers in history — would be a Gemini. He was able to present as a clean-cut, well-spoken young man on the outside while being a dark, twisted, cannibal on the inside. Dahmer evaded detection for years, killing (and eating) a reported 15 young boys and men during his decades-long killing spree. He is even known for fooling police into returning one of his escaped victims right to him! He was able to keep dead bodies in his apartment for months without detection and had the looks and demeanor to make his victims feel comfortable enough to come to his home. Dahmer even committed murders while living with his grandmother, luring victims to her home and then storing their bodies in the basement. Talk about two-faced.

Although many Geminis are harmless enough, blowing around in the breeze like the air sign they are, it also makes sense why this could be one of the most deadly serial killer signs. They are the Venus flytraps of murderers, able to draw in a victim with their charm, then flip on them when the time was right.


John Wayne Gacy
Photo via Lifetime

Pisces is another surprising Zodiac sign to show up on this list as they are generally the sign of the psychic. Otherworldly and dreamy, they tend to spend most of their time with their eye on the sky, despite being a water sign. However, they do have a tendency to hold things back and to bottle up their emotions, leading to a Mount Vesuvius-level eruption. They are also known for being a sign that can veer toward addiction, as was the case with John Wayne Gacy, aka “Pogo The Clown.” Many of Gacy’s friends and employees reported him to be a mean drunk and alcohol was almost always involved in his murders. The “Killer Clown” raped and murdered at least 33 young men in Chicago, 26 of which were found buried in a crawl space and throughout his home.

Aileen Wuornos — probably the world’s most well-known female serial killer — is also a Pieces. It is interesting because psychologists who had treated her have expressed that Aileen seems to “live in her own world,” which is common for a Pisces. Richard Ramirez — more commonly known as “The Night Stalker” — also happened to fall under this Zodiac sign. He also lived in his own world, in the dark underbelly of society.


Ted Bundy after court
Photo via A&E

Sagittarius is yet another surprising sign on the list. Fun-loving free spirits, this mutable fire sign would seem more prone to wandering aimlessly in nature than causing murderous chaos. Yet, here they are. The first labeled “serial killer,” Ted Bundy was a Sagittarius. Bundy was responsible for the murders of at least 30 young women in the 1970s, although many believe there could be a lot more victims. Bundy was the typical gregarious Sagittarian, even befriending retired police officer and true crime writer Ann Rule, who would go on to later write a book about her experience with Bundy, titled The Stranger Beside Me. This Sagittarius serial killer is in good company as Ed Kemper and Dylan Klebold — one of the youth responsible for the Columbine school shootings — also fall under this sign.

Saggitarius is a fire sign and while all fire signs can be prone to temper tantrums, Saggitarius usually pales in comparison to its more fiery Zodiac partners of Aries and Leo. However, Saggitarius is known to be impulsive, with little forethought to actions or their consequences. That, mixed with the quick-tempered aspect of a fire sign could be what leads this generally gentle giant finding its way onto our list of killer Zodiac signs.

It is hard to deny the astrological pattern seen here. However, while most serial killers may fall within one of these signs, it is important to note most within these signs are not serial killers. There are no hard and fast rules with astrology and there are a lot of factors that go into a person’s chart and life. So rest easy, just because the cute new guy you are dating happens to be a Sagittarian does not mean he will be the next Ted Bundy – necessarily.