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‘That’s not too cool, is it?’ Chris Hemsworth hilariously bashed a major part of ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ 10 years before it premiered

Talk about manifestation.

thor love and thunder
Photo via Marvel Studios

Manifestation is real folks, and Chris Hemsworth may have just inadvertently conjured one of Thor: Love and Thunder‘s most iconic scenes – even if he didn’t want it in the first place.

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During an interview with InterviewMagazine in 2011, the Australian actor who has been famously portraying the God of Thunder in the Marvel Cinematic Universe reminisced about some of the most emblematic moments in the Thor comics. Despite his previous indifference towards the original comics, Hemsworth diligently immersed himself in the source material. However, one peculiar detail — Thor’s chariot pulled by goats — seemed so outrageously tacky to him that he breathed a sigh of relief when it didn’t make the final cut. Little did he know the twist that fate had in store for him.

“HEMSWORTH: Not really. I knew about the character, but I never read the comics as a kid. Getting involved in the film was my introduction to it. Then I was inundated with many copies of Thor comics — the guys at Marvel gave me a stack. I also read a lot of books on Norse mythology.

VAN METER: In the myths, Thor rides a chariot pulled by goats.

HEMSWORTH: Yeah, we skipped that. That’s not too cool, is it? We chose a cooler mode of transport.”

As any avid Marvel fan may recall, in Love and Thunder, directed by Taika Waititi, the director opted to finally include the famous gag of a chariot pulled by goats – much to Hemsworth’s own dismay. Funnily enough, the moment quickly became hilariously mocked by fans, and it was only a matter of time until this exact moment in the interview was brought up once more. After all, the actor did send the thought into the universe, and Waititi, of course, made it happen.

Despite this fun twist of fate, we are still left with the daunting news of Hemsworth’s retirement upon his diagnosis of a rare genetic disease. Sadly, the universe will have to go on Thor-less, but this piece of information will continue to humor fans for a long while.