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‘Thanksgiving this year is going to be awkward’: Mica Burton confused after her own father, LeVar Burton, blocked her on Twitter

A very twisty turn of events for the Burton family.

Mica Burton in Star Trek
Photo via Prime Video

It’s never a good sign when an offspring blocks their parents on social media, but flip the circumstances, and it’s somehow worse. That’s what happened to Picard actress Mica Burton recently when she went on Twitter and got a big, fat message that her father LeVar Burton (Star Trek: The Next Generation) blocked her.

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Taking it in stride, Mica realized there were maybe two possibilities of what was going on. Either her father got hacked, or he hates her suddenly and family get-togethers are about to get really weird.

The tweet went viral with more than 2.6 million views as of this writing. Fortunately (not for LeVar Burton), the account was hacked and LeVar Burton lost control of it for a bit. Mica Burton had a little fun with it when her dad got access again.

She said, “now I have the chance to do the funniest thing” and didn’t follow him back.

When he got his account back, LeVar Burton made a short video explaining what happened.

“Hey, y’all. LeVar here. I was hacked on Twitter, and thanks to all of you, quick action was taken and I am now restored. So, you don’t have to take my word for it, but this really is me and my Twitter account has been restored to moi.”

In a follow-up tweet, he said there was a scammer trying to get money from people by using his name. “I am so sorry,” he said.

“If you are one of the (and we counted) 50+ people who were communicating with the scammer who overtook my account briefly, I am so sorry. And if they managed to get money out of you, please try contacting your bank to have the transaction cancelled or to execute a chargeback.”

Looks like Thanksgiving won’t be that awkward after all.