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Stormy Daniels ruins smug Trump trolls after they call her a ‘product’ of a ‘terrible childhood’

Our question for the haters — how does it feel getting owned EVERY SINGLE TIME?

Stormy Daniels - Getty
Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images

So far, Donald Trump supporters (*cough* trolls *cough*) have proved that they are ready to hate-talk about everything under the sun when it comes to their self-assigned mission of mocking Stormy Daniels. But a few of them, who are probably expending their last few struggling brain cells to join the Trump-approved circle of “great” minds, recently went a step too far by trying to insult her father and the kind of childhood she had. 

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Up until now, the former ad star has faced insults — correction, failed attempts at insulting her — for everything ranging from her age, her profession, and her husband’s profession, to her looks and even her grammatical prowess (pointed out by those who probably aced Trump’s online crash course of “learn how to write terrible English”). It is now clear that these trolls are running out of things to say, as this time a few of them decided to spew crap about Daniels’ childhood. 

Channeling the classic Marjorie Taylor Greene energy of stating unfounded and problematic claims as solid facts, one posted that Daniels’ “father left [her] as a kid,” followed by another chiming in that she is a “product” of the “terrible childhood” she had growing up. 

Those in the comments were instantly enraged on Daniels’ behalf. But Stormy being her usual sunny self, blasted the haters with her unique brand of witty mini-comebacks. 

As for the one “diagnosing” Daniels’ childhood, while being the personification of everything the word “wrong” signifies:

Oh, and one more for the one who is apparently “sick of [Stormy] and [her] lies” and wants Daniels to “stop please.”

Expecting creatures like these to finally learn their lesson would be wasting our energy wishing for an impossible miracle that would now need divine intervention to be even remotely possible. Thankfully, even as these amateur haters continue coming after Daniels, she is showing no signs of fatigue as she keeps knocking them out of the park with a finesse that the likes of Trump and his ardent students desperately need to learn.  

But just because Daniels seems to be harboring a secret stash of never-ending patience, it doesn’t that those who still retain their sense didn’t wait to tear the trolls a new one for once again exhibiting their toxic mentality in another failed attempt to alienate Daniels from her supporters. 

As always, Daniels’ fine skills at serving the most severe clapbacks to her opponents (who don’t really deserve the title) left many in awe. 

One simply pointed out the obvious — while the trolls struggle to up the level of their insults, Daniels is busy upgrading her professional life. 

Honestly, given the rapid-fire witty comebacks that Daniels serves, this needs to be the next step in her career.

Hopefully, getting blasted by Daniels is what these Trump trolls are truly after, because getting destroyed day after day and still coming back for more either means they love getting razed to the ground, or are simply unable to grasp that they have already lost — a classic side-effect of blindly following people who scream in defense of everything that is wrong, or who jump to create controversies out of thin air.