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Stormy Daniels left stumped by Trump troll’s comment until someone who can ‘speak concussed’ decodes their gibberish

Words are hard.

Stormy Daniels - Getty
Photo by Tara Ziemba/Getty Images

Just like supporters of Donald Trump haven’t ceased their attempts to break Stormy Daniels’ confidence with their hateful comments, Daniels hasn’t slowed the speed at which she has been taking them down. But even someone witty like her has limitations when the one trying to troll her makes zero sense and walks away pumping their chest without acknowledging that they just barfed up a Marjorie Greene Taylor-style word salad. No worries, though, as overexposure to such nonsensical creatures has gifted many sane individuals with the ability to ‘speak concussed.’

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The tweet in question was in response to Daniels’ offering the diagnosis that Trump supporters are essentially sexually repressed. But while it is clear whatever was written was meant to be an insult, the way it was phrased made it next to impossible for her to decipher what message the disparaging comment was supposed to get across.

Daniels and everyone in the comments would have spent forever trying to make sense of what the troll wanted to say in the first place. But thankfully, a brave soul came forward to crack the seemingly invincible code. 

Of course, after the Trump supporter’s comment was bestowed the gift of “making sense,” Daniels had a proper response ready.

This is just the latest in the long list of clap backs Daniels has been serving Trump supporters, who have been trying (and failing) to mock her with insults aimed at her age and profession. Needless to say, she has been keeping her head high.