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Stephen King starts morning with feel-good song lyrics, but shares critical Joe Biden tweet by the afternoon

King wanted to leave an important afternoon message for his followers.

Stephen King Getty
Photo via Thos Robinson/Getty Images

Nowadays, it’s hard to find a solitary day where horror novelist Stephen King isn’t finding himself wrapped up in a heated discourse over on Twitter. From receiving a parade of backlash after speaking on abortion rights to criticizing Fox News over a recent voting machines lawsuit, not a day goes by where King isn’t proudly sharing his political opinion for his millions of followers to read — until this morning, that is.

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Over on his official account, where the political party-crashing typically happens, King took time out of his morning to read song lyrics from American blues singer Koko Taylor. “We’re gonna pitch a wang-dang-doodle all night long,” King tweeted. And if folks were wondering what sort of feel-good songs are on a loop in King’s secretive Spotify playlist, then perhaps we just uncovered one.

Of course, in typical King fashion, it would seemingly feel like a wasted day if he didn’t push forward some significant and highly relevant topics — one of which included a critical Joe Biden tweet regarding the need to ban assault weapons in the United States. In the past, King has been adamant about America outlawing the use of AR-15s, which he believes are only used to “shred” people.

Although King did retweet Biden’s message just shortly before his own lyrics tweet, there’s no denying it was done so as to keep Biden’s tweet the main focus on King’s profile for the day and completely through the afternoon, seeing as King tweeted nothing else after the fact.