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Stephen King shares his favorite cheese but can’t resist making the worst dad joke of all time

We can't get over how...cheesy these Stephen King jokes actually are.

Larry French/Getty Images.

If this whole writing thing doesn’t work out, it looks like Stephen King can always turn to comedy. The 75-year-old author and icon took to Twitter this morning to share some of the worst dad jokes we’ve ever heard. Literally, and if we’re being honest with ourselves, it was pretty darn awesome.

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Everyone’s got to have a fallback, right?

Did he really have to be this… cheesy?

OK so this particular joke was an absolute breeze. The set up was there, all Stephen King had to do was execute. Plenty of his fans seem to agree, and the replies on this tweet are just as hilarious.

Dad jokes are a true art form in and of themselves, and King didn’t just stop with a lactose-heavy JC. The man is a grandfather after all, whimsical anecdotes are part of the job description.

We can almost hear your eyes rolling. Whoever said Stephen King didn’t have a way with words clearly hasn’t checked his social media accounts lately.

Of all the days to pull a stunt like this, Friday was probably the best choice. People are heading in to the weekend, fun is on the horizon, and Stephen King is cracking a few harmless jokes — what’s not to love?

We’d like to start a petition to have Mr. King to bless us with a few corny one-liners more often, because frankly, a world where Stephen King can scare us as much as he can make us laugh is the type of paradise we’d like to live in.