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Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly: The weirdest things they’ve done (that we know about, anyway)

We just want to know how she's going to get that ring off.

Image via Machine Gun Kelly/Instagram

If social media is anything to go by, it looks like this may be the end for Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly. The weird and very often cringey couple seem to have split. With Fox deleting all traces of MGK from her Instagram and then making a cryptic post using Beyoncé lyrics to allude to some kind of dishonesty. It’s just another strange twist in the love story of Hollywood’s strangest couple.

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The pair were never far from the headlines, and it seemed as though their antics were constantly pasted everywhere. Most of the time it was just Fox and Kelly oversharing details about their relationship that no one really wanted to know. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, we can reflect on just how off of a couple they really were. Let’s just go from the beginning, and we’ll pick out some of the relationship highlights along the way.

Fox and Kelly announced they were officially a couple in the summer of 2020. Shortly before that, The Transformers star appeared in the music video for Bloody Valentine, Kelly’s newest song at the time. In it, Fox is seen duct taping Kelly, taking him hostage, and electrocuting him with the old hairdryer bathtub combo. It’s a strange video that should have warned us of what’s to come if only we’d paid attention. While talking about the music video with Teen Vogue, Kelly felt the need to tell the world that Megan had the most beautiful feet in the world. That was a bit weird to tell everyone, but we’ll try not to judge.

Unfortunately it only got worse from there.

The nail chain

Skipping ahead, the pair decided to attend an event chained to each other; they are inseparable after all. That’s weird enough but they decide to up the weirdness by choosing to be chained together by their nails. That’s right — the pair showed up locked together by their pinky fingers. 

Drinking blood…but only for rituals

Things really started to spiral as the couple announced their engagement and shortly after that admit to drinking each other’s blood. But don’t worry. As Fox clarified exactly how much of each other’s blood they drink. Apparently it’s only a few drops, and it’s only reserved for ritualistic purposes, so there you go, nothing unsettling about that. 

The thorn ring


Let’s talk about that engagement ring. Kelly boasted on his Instagram that he had designed the ring he gave to Fox and that it contained thorns that were designed to hurt if she ever tried to remove it.

He is weed

Kelly is also well known for smoking a ton of weed. Fox stated that when Kelly first introduced himself to her, she pointed out that he smelt strongly of weed, to which the rapper replied, “I am weed,” before allegedly disappearing in a cloud of smoke. We do know that Kelly smokes weed everywhere, including on the red carpet.

Halloween hijinks

We can’t forget last Halloween either, when the pair thought it would be a good idea to dress as Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. They even posted a pic online of Kelly snorting a line of white powder off of Fox’s chest.

Of course, that’s just the highlights. In their brief time together, the couple has done and said so many weird and wonderful things that no one wanted to know. Thankfully Fox has done the wise thing and deleted her previous Instagram posts so we can all pretend like this was just a bad dream.