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Marjorie Taylor Greene insists that she’s not the only ‘mentally unstable and documented liar’ out there

Spot it you got it.

Alex Wong/Getty Images

There’s a common expression dating back to Hebrew times that goes, “whoever disapproves – he disapproves of his own lacking.” It basically means you can spot deficiencies in other people, because yours are the same. A more common parallel expression is “You spot it, you got it.” This happened with professional liar Marjorie Taylor Greene and Laura Loomer, an anti-Muslim activist who was reportedly being courted by Donald Trump.

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Some context: It was widely reported that Trump wanted to hire Loomer, a far-right activist who’s claimed in the past that Islam is a “cancer” and who rejoiced when migrants died trying to traverse the Mediterranean. You know you’re not well-liked when Greene takes shots at you.

A “mentally unstable” and “documented liar.” Hmm, who does that sound like? It’s almost like Greene is looking in the mirror. How can she spot those qualities so clearly? Because she’s got them. Greene is also a ridiculous liar who was recently suspended by Twitter over it.

Greene claims that all Democrats are pedophiles, and that there are Jewish space lasers causing wildfires. When the woman who says lasers from space are causing fires calls you a liar, you know you’re not well liked. As expected, the above headline caused quite the uproar, to the point that even Trump changed his mind. Think about that. He invited Kanye West to dinner. Loomer is really not liked.

Per the Times: “The New York Times’s report on the potential hire ignited a firestorm among some of Mr. Trump’s most vocal conservative supporters, and by late Friday, a high-ranking campaign official said Ms. Loomer was no longer going to be hired.”

Did Greene’s ability to spot her own propensity for lies and deceit inadvertently cause something good to happen? It looks like it. Loomer has ran for Congress twice and lost. Here’s what she told the Times about not getting the job:

“The president knows I have always been a Trump loyalist, and that I’m committed to helping him win re-election in 2024. He likes me very much. And it’s a shame that he’s surrounded by some people that run to a publication that is notorious for attacking him in order to try to cut me at the knees instead of being loyal to President Trump and respecting their confidentiality agreements.”

Loomer is known for annoying stunts, like the time she handcuffed herself to the Twitter headquarters after she was banned. Something tells me we haven’t heard the last of her.