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‘I’m exhausted just from listening to all of that’: Miley Cyrus reaps overwhelming sympathy after revealing her absurdly busy childhood as Hannah Montana

We don't think we want 'The Best of Both Worlds' if this is the schedule involved.

Image via Disney Channel

What were you doing when you were 12 or 13 years old? Probably heading to school, getting an education from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon, then heading home to do some homework and maybe play the Sims or watch some TV, right? Well, not Miley Cyrus, who at that age was working a schedule that has many on Reddit wondering how she ever managed.

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In a TikTok interview that was shared on Reddit, the now 30-year-old looked back at her schedule from her Hannah Montana days, back when she was roughly 12 or 13 years old. The singer must have locked the memories in a vault, because even she was shocked to rediscover that she started her day at 5:30am, before getting into hair and make-up, then setting off at 7am before being paraded through a heavy number of interviews, meeting her editors, doing photoshoots, more interviews, the list goes on. The whole day ends at close to 7pm, making her work day almost 13 and a half hours long.

Many Redditors could not comprehend being that busy at that age, sharing their own schedules from that time in their lives.

For many, just hearing it was enough.

Though the industry has improved somewhat, we all agree that more health and safety measures need to be put in place for kids.

This user cannot comprehend how she managed to stay so chipper. Most of us would have bitten someone’s head off after the third interview.

It certainly explains her decision to give herself more free time as an adult.

And for some, it just makes them want to give her 12-year-old self a hug.

One Redditor pointed out this is very common for many in the industry, and that even grown adults struggle with finding time for themselves whilst working.

We know that many child stars end up suffering poorly when it comes to their mental health, and after hearing this, it’s not hard to see why. That is an insane schedule for a child, no matter if they are a star or not.

We also discover from the clip that this wasn’t just one day, with someone off-camera stating “That truly was the next four years of your life,” to which Cyrus confirmed. “I’m a lot of things, but lazy ain’t one of them,” she states, and no one could call her that after hearing what she went through at such a young age.