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‘I could have done a lot better’: Kody Brown admits the glaringly obvious after ‘Sister Wives’ marriages fell apart

The world's most famous (spiritual) polygamist is having a tough time.

Cast of Sister Wives - Christine, Janelle, Kody, Robyn, and Meri Brown
Image via TLC

Get your tissues ready, everybody, I have some bad news. In case you haven’t heard, the world’s most famous polygamist, Kody Brown from the hit show Sister Wives, is down to just one woman. Oh no! He’s now admitting he could’ve tried harder.

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In case you’re wondering how a man could have four wives and stay out of prison, three of them were “spiritual wives.” To each their own. Kody talked to People about how his whole life imploded over the course of 14 months.

First, third wife Christine Brown exited the holy marriage in Nov. 2021. Then second wife Janelle Brown got the hell out of dodge in December of 2022. First wife Meri Brown bailed a year later, revealing that her relationship with Brown had devolved to a “platonic” one.

Kody is now left with just Robyn Brown, or should we say she’s stuck with him? Kody, who looks like he wants to be a roadie for Nickelback, unsurprisingly said he’s also to blame for losing his marriages.

“I could have done a lot better,” he said. “It’s been painful, a lot of finger pointing and blame. But you have to hope we still have a friendship in the future. Because we’re bound forever through our kids.”

He’s not kidding. Between all of them they have 18 kids. 18! Why? Janelle said she was trying her best to move on with her life away from her sort-of but not legally-official ex-husband.

“We’re all settling into the new path. There’s only possibilities in front of us.”

Robyn, who is the youngest wife at 44 and the only one he was legally married to, unsurprisingly also said the multiple uncoupling was tough.

“No one should be married while they’re going through a divorce,” she said. “I never thought I wanted to leave. I know how much I love Kody. He’s doing his best.”

He literally admitted that he was not, but whatever. The latest season of the show, its 18th, will explore the consequences of all the exit turmoil.

The trailer for the new season is exciting, I’ll give you that. In it, Janelle asks Kody if he wants to keep going with the whole polygamy thing.

“Do you really wanna still have a plural family?” she asked. “Sometimes I can’t tell.”

Kody then reveals he’s aware of how bad things have gotten.

“I’m in this bad place with Janelle, and Christine’s gone,” he said. “Don’t even know what to do with Meri.” He also doesn’t seem to know what to do with that hair. Woof.

Sister Wives season 18 premieres Aug. 20 on TLC. I know I’ll be (hate) watching!