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How tall is Markiplier?

His height might not be what you're expecting.

Photo via Markiplier YouTube

The name Mark Edward Fischbach might not initially ring a bell to the average social media user, but the name Markiplier likely does. In addition to ringing a bell, upon hearing the name, one might immediately be struck with hearty eyes and a general sense of swooning because let’s face it — Markiplier is the total package.

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A YouTube personality, podcaster, and gamer turned director, Marikplier is ready to explore a new venture with an upcoming horror film. Announced in early 2023, Iron Lung will see a terrifying story blossoming underwater when an “unnamed convict” finds himself in a rusty submarine called — you guessed it, Iron Lung.

In addition to being talented across several platforms in the entertainment industry, Markiplier is someone you just can’t help but adore. With 35.4 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, 12 million on Instagram, and a podcast with over 140 episodes he hosts alongside two friends — if you can’t get enough of the social media sensation — there’s always an avenue for you to find him in.

A few things are evident for those who adore him: he’s hard-working, dedicated, easy on the eyes, and has a voice you could listen to all day; but there’s one question many fans had about the star — what is his height?

Just how tall is Markiplier?

Despite many people thinking Markiplier is “really itty bitty,” the YouTube personality turned social heartthrob stands tall at a strong 5’10”. In a chat with Anthony Padilla earlier this year, Markiplier says that a reason people think he’s so short is that all of his friends are super tall. Standing close to 6’4″, he appears shorter when he’s actually an average height.

Markiplier’s height first came into question because he does have a slew of tall friends, and there are even several threads on Reddit where his height is the topic of discussion; one includes a snap that says the YouTube personality is only 3 inches tall!

Now that the man himself has finally answered the question of his height, we can all focus on the reason we’re really here today; his charismatic personality.

Markiplier’s charm just doesn’t quit

Markiplier might not be the first person you’d think of when you scroll to find a YouTube video or podcast to listen to if you’re not connected to the gaming realm, but if you’ve yet to give him a chance, we’re here to tell you that you’re totally missing out.

As we said above, he’s gearing up to release his first horror movie; he’s all across platforms of social media with everything from gaming videos to podcasts, and he does a lot of charitable work with everything from Make-A-Wish and Malaria No More to Doctors Without Borders and the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.

Markiplier recently opened up about an incredibly tough few months he had, from having extremely bloodshot eyes and having to go to the hospital on his birthday to the loss of his grandmother, and he gave the update to fans on his YouTube channel.

While he took a necessary absence from the frequency of his video content, he’s been back for a couple of weeks now, and those who follow him have been overjoyed at seeing his content pop back up in their feeds.