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Hell officially freezes over as Stephen King agrees with Elon Musk to defend Donald Trump

This was most definitely not on the bingo card.

NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 28: Author Stephen King appears for the 2002 New Yorker Festival September 28, 2002, at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City.
Photo by Lawrence Lucier/Getty Images

Anyone who follows Stephen King on Twitter – which is a lot, considering his denizens are in the millions – knows fine well that the last thing they’d ever expect to see on his timeline is a defense of Donald Trump. And yet, not only did it happen in a roundabout way, but none other than Elon Musk was the facilitator.

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To say that wasn’t on the bingo card would be the understatement of the year, because the legendary horror author often – by which we mean regularly – uses social media as a tool to criticize the Home Alone 2 and Zoolander star anytime the opportunity presents itself, and that also happens to be something that comes along on a very regular basis.

With that in mind, the Chief Twit and regular peddler of nonsense himself agreeing with Elon to state the factually-accurate summation that Trump is indeed innocent until proven guilty came completely out of left field, although King did make a point of adding an on-brand addendum that’s much more in line with his usual way of thinking.

That chill you currently feel in the air may well be hell freezing over, because there’s no way on earth anyone would have been able to predict the orange-faced menace to society being extended the world’s smallest olive branch by one of his staunchest opponents.

Then again, King immediately segues into outlining his opinion that the former reality TV star should never have been president in the first place, so normal service was at least resumed by the end of the sentence.