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Former ‘Wonder Woman’ Lynda Carter reminds transphobes that same-sex marriage was to be the ‘end of civilization’

Remember when people preached that same-sex marraige would cause the end of the 'family dynamic?' Wonder Woman does.

Photo via Dominik Bindl / Getty Images

Wonder Woman star, Lynda Carter reflected on how fearmongering against the LGBTQ+ community in the past was an absolute travesty with a single tweet. This comes as government officials go after trans performers, and trans rights continue to be put at risk, with book bans being set in place to silence LGBTQ+ authors and narratives.

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Carter posted a tweet, featuring a screenshot of a New York Times phone notification. The headline was about “transgender rights replace same-sex marriage” as a “hot-button issue.” Before same-sex marriage became legalized in the United States, conservatives pushed an “end of the world” narrative and that same-sex marriage would “ruin the family dynamic.”

Carter reminded everyone that the fearmongering preached prior to the legalization of same-sex marriage is similar to the transphobic hate speech that conservatives are making today.

People agreed with Cater’s post and claimed that it’s just “recycled homophobia.” Meanwhile, other followers added to Carter’s arguments, stating that similar things happened in the past when it came to different races, single and mixed-raced parents, and other “hot-topic” issues that perpetuate a never-ending cycle of hate.

Trans rights and the LGBTQ+ community have been the main target of conservative politicians of late, after woman’s health rights were horrendously impeded last year. CNN reported that there have been a record of “anti-LGBTQ” bills introduced this year, most of them being about “regulating public school curriculum” when it comes to teaching about gender identity and sexuality.

Carter has been vocal about her support towards left-wing issues by spreading awareness about the protests that occurred in Tennessee. She also shared her support for the trans and LGBTQ+ community as politicians continue to introduce bills to make trans’ lives difficult.