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Charlie Sheen gives very ‘famous people are dirt cheap’ vibes as he deals with losing the Twitter blue checkmark

It's an interesting dilemma and finally someone said it.

Charlie Sheen - Getty
Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images

After winning so much, Charlie Sheen feels as entitled as anyone else who has waltzed into stardom enjoying all the glitz and glamour that comes with the lifestyle. It’s a little cringeworthy though when he outright asks for Elon Musk to pick up the tab on his $8 Twitter validation badge.

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It was not a joke when Twitter made the announcement that it would be winding down its legacy blue checkmark starting on April Fool’s Day. They were serious and the purge has begun. Celebrity after celebrity has lost their verification badge and most don’t care as many of them let it go on purpose. A few have subscribed to the $ 8-a-month membership that must be raking in quite a few bucks for Musk at this point, but there is a small group of celebrities who were awarded their blue tick for free, a very small list that includes only LeBron James, Stephen King, and William Shatner.

Elon Musk made it clear that for some reason he would only extend this grace to these three individuals. In no communication whatsoever, whether through interview or on Twitter itself, has the rocketman ever mentioned Charlie Sheen in a conversation about getting a free pass on the highly coveted blue authentication award. That didn’t stop the Two and a Half Men star from asking though.

The Chief Twit responded in a cryptic fashion — while his message was short and very clearly a negative, the context is off a little. What pain is he talking about?

In a classic response, one fan checks Sheen’s entitlement at the door if only the actor would take the time to glare down at it from his pedestal.


In its simplest form, the issue is about how celebrities get treated differently than the rest of all humanity with free perks and everything. It’s just not good form to come right out and ask for it.

While harping about the fact that the uber-rich are not getting taxed enough and that something needs to be done to make those millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, Alyssa Milano was also one to whine about the $8 verification tax and that’s exactly how the “tiger blood” man sounds.

It’s like when an influencer with a million followers writes to a restaurant and asks for a free meal for a post about their dinner.


Simply enough, one sane-headed user makes the point loud and clear.

For whatever random reason, Elon Musk only cares about a basketball player, a writer, and the guy who went to Mars first. For everyone else, will that be cash or charge?