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Ariana Grande blasted by Ethan Slater’s estranged wife

Grande’s former friend, whose husband she is now dating, had some words for the pop star.

Photo by Jim Spellman/WireImage

Considering the recent news of Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater starting a relationship while still married to other people, one might start to think that the show they star in together may potentially be used to described them both.

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The current stars of the Broadway musical Wicked, Grande and Slater find themselves in a horribly messy situation partly, if not wholly, of their own creation.

Lilly Jay — now the estranged wife of Ethan Slater — took to the media to blast pop star Ariana Grande in a Grande-size way.

Page Six reports that Lilly Jay is understandably furious at both Ethan and Ariana. Not only is she being abandoned by her husband — despite them having a child together who is about to turn a year old — but Ariana herself has seemingly betrayed Lilly’s trust, considering that she was a close friend to the couple.

Lilly Jay said she was surprised by the sudden and apparent end to her marriage. She pointed the finger at Ariana, saying, “She’s the story really. My family is just collateral damage.”

Lilly referred to Ariana as “not a girl’s girl,” and noted that Grande is also married to Dalton Gomez, adding, “The story is her and Dalton.”

Gomez reportedly tried to save his marriage by trying to win Ariana back but he — like Lilly Jay — also expressed surprise at the recent events.

An unnamed source close to the Ethan and Ariana spoke to Page Six about Lilly Jay, saying, “She’s rightfully upset because her marriage fell apart, but Ariana and Ethan didn’t do anything wrong.”

That source added that Lilly and Ethan had been separated for two months before Ethan allegedly began romancing Ariana.

Not all timelines are in agreement, maybe some are living in alternate ones, but what if Slater and Grande don’t last? It would mean that he would potentially be alone with no pop star girlfriend, an ex-wife, and a son that he can’t see every day. Then what?

Meanwhile, Ariana could potentially be labeled — whether accurate or not — a home wrecker. Even if she splits with Ethan down the road, she likely wouldn’t be able to split from that label.

And what of Lilly Jay? Her anger is expected but what happens next? Well, probably anything is better than a husband who seems to run from his wife and child. The best thing she can do is adopt a slightly different perspective moving forward and put out the message that this shows that Ethan doesn’t deserve her. After all, she probably doesn’t know it yet, but Lilly Jay is likely the winner in this situation.