Anime lovers around the world gathered around their screens to watch Subaru Natsuki, a NEET who is abruptly brought to a fantasy world, in the series Re:Zero. While in this world, Subaru dies multiple times. After each death, he ends up waking up several hours in the past before he supposedly dies. He then sees that he has the power to revive himself by turning back time after he dies.
He takes his new power to help his friend Emilia become the next ruler of the Kingdom of Lugunica. Subaru also is tasked with the burden of remembering everything that happens before he dies, while all of those around him forget what happens after he turns back time to go back to a point of being alive. Along the way, Subaru and Emilia meet many new faces, some of which help them and are starting to become important characters to keep track of.
Viewers of the show cannot get enough of how enchanting it feels to be invincible, but also appreciate the burden of always remembering what happens to him. Fans are wanting to know if a third season of Re:Zero is in the works.
Is there going to be a third season of Re:Zero?
Unfortunately for fans, there has not been any confirmation announced about the third season at all. The show has gained a lot of popularity and a huge following which is a good sign. There has also not been any sort of confirmation that there will not be a third season, giving viewers another light at the end of the tunnel.
As is seen with many anime shows, there are occasionally long breaks in between seasons, sometimes even lasting as long as half a decade. There is some speculation that the show will be starting back up in 2024 or 2025.
What will happen in the third season?
There is still much to be uncovered, which is another reason why fans are clamoring for another season. One fan theory suggests the continuation of exploring the relationship between Subaru and Emilia. There have also been many new characters introduced throughout the second season, so some exploring of new characters is also a very popular fan theory.
With the explosion in popularity amongst anime and the fact that Re:Zero has started gaining such a huge following, fans should still be on the lookout for an announcement that would give some peace of mind knowing that the show is continuing.