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Who are the 4 dragon warriors in ‘Yona of the Dawn?’ Their pasts and powers, explained

In 'Yona of the Dawn', the princess must find four Dragon Warriors, but who are they exactly, and what are their powers?

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Yona of the Dawn (Akatsuki no Yona) is a manga and anime series created by Kusanagi Mizuho. The manga is considered a shojo manga, a genre aimed predominantly at younger women, and can be found in the shojo manga magazine Hana to Yume. Kusanagi started the manga back in 2009 and it continues on to this day. Though the anime adaptation only got one season, it is still a favorite of many, as fans followed the journey of Yona and her protectors, which include four mythical Dragon Warriors. So who are these Dragon Warriors and what are they capable of?

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How did the Dragons come to be?

The story of Yona and the Dawn begins 2000 years prior to the main events of the series. The fictional kingdom of Kouka was founded by the Crimson Dragon God, who came down to earth from the heavens at a time when humans had forgotten the gods and had turned to evil. The Crimson Dragon God turned King fought against these humans to secure peace, but just as he was about to be overwhelmed, four other Dragon Gods came down to fight by his side and win the day. Once evil had been eradicated the Crimson Dragon God died, and the remaining four mourned his death and left to wander the world. During this time, five nations appeared, Sky, Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.

2000 years passed and this story became nothing but a myth, that is until Yona, a princess with crimson hair is born. She is believed to be the reincarnation of the Crimson Dragon. After living a lavish and sheltered life, Yona is thrown into chaos and uncertainty after the man she loves, Soo-Won kills her father the King of Kouka, and seizes control, forcing Yona to flee with her bodyguard Hak. She must then set out on a journey to seek out the reincarnations of the four Dragon Warriors in order to take back her birthright and restore peace to her nation.

Kija – White Dragon Warrior

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Kija carries the blood of the White Dragon God, passed down to him by his father before him. The passing of such power was not the easiest transition as his father resented losing his power to his son and attacked him while he was just an infant, leaving Kija with claw-marked scars down his back. This is because the manifestation of the White Dragon’s power is that he can transform his right arm into a dragon’s, a power that his father eventually lost and Kija gained.

Kija was revered by his clan and was seen as a leader and a protector. Though he was held up on a pedestal by all those around him, he was also taught the way of the White Dragon since he was a child and is well aware of his duty to serve and protect the Crimson Dragon when they reappear. This is why once Yona arrives he is more than happy to join her telling her he will follow her anywhere. However, having spent his life sheltered by his clan, he is a little more naive to the ways of the world and finds life on the road to be a little more taxing than he imagined.

He is headstrong and passionate, often getting into arguments with Hak in the beginning as he believes that only the Dragon Warriors should protect Yona. He is also annoyed when other Dragon Warriors do not show the same respect, leading to bickering and in fighting in the group. He desires to be of use to Yona and this leads him to become very competitive with the others, it does make him tremendously loyal and brave.

Shin-Ah – Blue Dragon Warrior

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Shin-Ah’s upbringing could not have been more different from Kija’s privileged lifestyle. Because of his unique powers, the villagers of his clan fear him, shunning him whenever possible. They view his power as less of a blessing and more of a curse that they must all suffer despite Shin-Ah using it to protect them on numerous occasions. The Blue Dragon’s power manifests through Shin-Ah’s eyes, and he is able to induce hallucinations or even paralyze opponents through his gaze. This led the villagers to force him to wear a mask to cover his face.

Along with all this tragedy, Shin-Ah grew up without a mother as she committed suicide after realizing what he was, and that she had given birth to the next Blue Dragon. He had a mentor, Ao, who trained him in the ways of combat but he too passed away leaving him alone once more. Yona was one of the first people to show him kindness, granting him the name Shin-Ah meaning light of the moon. He joined her and the others and eventually became comfortable enough to take off his mask around them and even make eye contact.

Due to his isolated upbringing, Shin-Ah is very quiet, hardly saying anything and usually only nodding in response to things. He is kind and caring and fiercely protective of Yona. The only times he ever truly becomes aggressive is when he perceives Yona to be in some sort of danger which acts as a trigger for him where he is less able to restrain himself. He comes to realize though, over time that he is not cursed but blessed as one of the Dragon Warriors.

Jae-Ha – Green Dragon Warrior

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Like Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha was also not revered for his abilities or status as a Dragon Warrior. He lived in his village until the age of 12, at which point he fled due to their mistreatment of him, locking him away in case outsiders heard of him and came in search of him. He ended up as a crew member on the pirate ship captained by Gi-Gan, who becomes like a mother to him. His Dragon Power is focused in his right leg which allows him to propel upwards as if flying, covering long distances quickly.

After his escape and abuse at the hands of the former Green Dragon, Jae-Ha made a life for himself on the seas with Captain Gi-Gan and her crew. Because of hsis former life of confinement, freedom means everything to him, so when Yona comes into his life he is initially resentful as he believes she will force him into an unwanted servitude. He soon realizes that this is not the case and that Yona treats everyone as friends and partners, he comes to value her strong moral compass and happily accompanies her.

Despite his mistreatment earlier in life, Jae-Ha chooses not to dwell on the past and to only move forward, wishing for a happy and carefree existence. He is much calmer than the rest of the men in the group, often having to hold them back when their tempers get the better of them. He is wise, and patient, and also has a sense of humor which he utilizes by teasing the younger members.

Zeno – Yellow Dragon Warrior

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Zeno is quite different from his fellow dragons in that he is no reincarnation but the original Yellow Dragon from the myths of old. He has existed for over 2000 years even though he outwardly appears to look the youngest of them all. Zeno was actually a young boy all those years ago, with the ability to hear the words of God. When the Yellow Dragon descended from the heavens he joined with the boy who wished to make the world a better place, at which point he stopped aging and also stopped hearing the words of God.

Zeno spent much of his immortal life wandering, having not created a clan of his own. At one point he married a girl called Kaya, though she later died from an incurable disease, leaving Zeno alone once again. He had periods of depression during this time, trying to tear his body apart, but his Dragon power of regeneration always healed him, keeping him tied to his immortal life in Kouka. Zeno is able to heal himself rapidly, with the injured area turning into dragon’s scales for a period of time. If a limb is cut off he can still control it and even will it back to attach to him once more.

Zeno is less quick to fight compared to his peers, but he will always stand in defense of his comrades. He often behaves like his appearance would suggest, a young child, but he is shown to have the wisdom of the 2000+ years he has been alive. He has some foresight ability and can read people very well allowing him to perceive things others cannot. Overall he is a very cheerful, energetic character, one who serves Yona loyally.

You can catch Yona of the Dawn on Hulu, Amazon Prime, and on Crunchyroll.