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The 15 most jaw-dropping plot twists in ‘Attack on Titan’ — so far

It's time to reevaluate everything you thought you knew about titans.

Eren and the Colossal Titan from 'Attack on Titan'
Screengrab via Crunchyroll

Warning: The following article contains major spoilers for Attack on Titan’s seasons one through four.

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Over the course of four anime seasons, fans witnessed Attack on Titan become one of the most beloved and controversial animated series ever. From its very first episode, viewers are gripped by the horror of watching human life be taken so easily by man-eating giants and the desperation of those trapped inside the walls of Eldia. Soon enough, though, the audience was confronted with questions upon questions about the world of Attack on Titan, especially regarding the creatures outside the walls.

The series isn’t one to give all its secrets away at once, instead choosing to build anticipation. This decision made for a story full of shocking twists and turns, and today, Attack on Titan is considered one of the best-written manga and anime series of all time. Despite there being insane and dramatic developments every few episodes, some just hit harder than others, and for that reason, we have compiled 15 of the biggest plot twists in the series.

Eren is a titan

Eren's Titan from Attack on Titan
Image via MAPPA

After declaring war on titans, and swearing to eliminate them all from the face of the Earth, transforming into one was likely not on Eren’s bingo card. Even so, it’s exactly what happens. When the protagonist was apparently eaten by a titan to save Armin, the audience thought that might very well be the end for Eren, especially when he wasn’t immediately brought back in the following episodes. Instead, an abnormal titan dead set on fighting all the others showed up out of the blue, and it later became clear that Eren was very much alive and capable of transforming into his sworn enemy.

Annie is the Female Titan

Image via MAPPA

The sudden appearance of a Female Titan in season one was surprising enough, showcasing unparalleled agility and martial art skills. From the moment this titan showed up on screen, theories ran rampant regarding the creature’s true identity, with her blonde hair and blue eyes giving some a pretty solid clue. Nevertheless, when the Female Titan was eventually revealed to be Annie a few episodes later, the shock was real, especially considering its implications. Annie being a titan confirmed that traitors could be anywhere in the ranks of Eldia’s military, setting the stage for future events.

There are titans inside the walls

Image via Wit Studio

In the season one finale of Attack on Titan, those who remained seated as the credits rolled were treated to one of the best cliffhangers of the series. During Eren and Annie’s epic titan fight, the latter attempts to flee by climbing one of the walls around Eldia, and damages said wall with her hardened hands. Later, in the post-credit scene, viewers witness a bit of the wall breaking off, only to reveal the face of an abnormal titan inside, similar in appearance to the Colossal Titan. Everything the characters and audience thought they knew about the world of Attack on Titan comes crumbling down, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Ymir is a titan

Ymir from 'Attack on Titan'
Screengrab via Crunchyroll

For a while, Ymir was perceived as nothing more than a background character. However, as season two progressed, she got more screen time and was eventually revealed as a titan shifter. When trapped inside a tower with no vertical maneuvering equipment, no weapons, and surrounded by titans, this character shows her true colors in order to save Historia. Ymir jumps from the tower while cutting her hand with a knife, transforming mid-air in front of all her Survey Corps comrades, fighting for her life against a horde of titans. She succeeds in saving everyone, but the revelation puts her at another kind of risk.

Reiner and Bertholdt are the Armored and Colossal Titans

Eren, Bertholdt, and Reiner from 'Attack on Titan'
Screengrab via Crunchyroll

The identities of the Colossal and Armored Titans were among the biggest and most shocking revelations of the series. After making their debut in episode one as the destroyers of Wall Maria, these titan shifters infiltrated the Eldian military and fought alongside their enemies for years, building meaningful connections. Thus, when Reiner nonchalantly told Eren about his and Bertholdt’s identities, much like the protagonist, fans didn’t want to believe it.

The Reiss family is the true ruler of Eldia

Historia Reiss from Attack on Titan
Screengrab via Crunchyroll

Attack on Titan is now very well known for its political drama, but it wasn’t always like that. When the series’ tone started shifting away from the simple defeat-all-titans premise into political intrigue, the audience learned how corrupt the royal government was, and the secret all those in power held. King Fritz was merely a puppet ruler, and Rod Reiss the true King of Eldia. As it turns out, the Reiss family has been ruling Eldia in secret for generations, keeping themselves safe and passing down the Founding Titan between them every 13 years. As Rod’s child, Historia claims the throne after the coup d’étad and her father’s death.

Eren ate his own father

Image via MAPPA

Following the revelation that Eren is a titan-shifter, many questions were raised. Some of the most pressing, however, concerned the protagonist’s backstory. Was he always a titan, or did he become one? If so, how? Well, those questions would later be answered, and with it came the revelation that Dr. Yeager was responsible for transforming Eren into a titan, who then ate his own father, thus acquiring the power of the Attack and Founding Titans. Since Eren didn’t remember any of this for years, the realization startled him just as much as it did the audience.

There is civilization outside the walls

City of Liberio from 'Attack on Titan'
Image via MAPPA

From the very beginning of Attack on Titan, viewers are led to believe that all of humanity is trapped inside the three walls. This is because all memories of the past have been erased from the Eldian people with the power of the Founding Titan, and at the start of the series, the audience knows as much as its main characters. It’s not until much later that the suspicion of human life outside the walls begins to arise, and eventually, it’s revealed that whole nations inhabit the same universe, living free from the threat of being eaten by a titan at any moment.

All titans were once human

Humans about to be transformed into titans in 'Attack on Titan'
Screengrab via Crunchyroll

While viewers had time to familiarize themselves with the concept of titan shifters, the truth is that all titans, even the mindless ones, were once humans. The revelation wasn’t one of the most shocking in the series, since theories of that nature already existed, but the how of it all really struck a chord. For generations, the Subjects of Ymir had been injected with a serum capable of transforming them into mindless titans. This was done as a punishment by Marley, and the victims were then released on Paradis Island, doomed to roam aimlessly as man-eating creatures.

Dr. Yeager had another family

Grisha and Dina Yeager in Attack on Titan.
Image via Crunchyroll

For a long time, Dr. Yeager was considered one of the most mysterious characters in the series. It was long predicted that the secret of the titans was hidden in the doctor’s basement, but when the Survey Corps finally reached it, they did not expect to learn so much about Eren’s father. When he lived in Marley, the character was married to Dina Fritz, a member of Eldia’s royal family, and together, they had a son named Zeke. This revelation gives viewers a whole new perspective of Dr. Yeager, who wasn’t always the caring father Eren thought him to be.

The Smiling Titan was Dr. Yeager’s former wife

The Smilling Titan from 'Attack on Titan'
Screengrab via Crunchyroll

The fan-named Smiling Titan was etched into viewers’ memories when it provoked the most dramatic moment in episode one. The creature ate Eren’s mother, Carla, right before his eyes, as the protagonist and Mikasa were carried away from the scene by Hannes. Later, history repeated itself, as the titan appeared again in front of the protagonist, except this time, Hannes was eaten instead. It wouldn’t be until much later in the story that the Smiling Titan would be revealed as Dina Fritz, who had been transformed into the creature as punishment.

Zeke betrays Marley

Zeke Jaeger from Attack on Titan
Screengrab via Crunchyroll

Being raised as a spy for the Restorationists and lacking the affection of his parents, Zeke went on to become the best of Marley’s Warriors. When he was introduced as the Beast Titan, the character was presumed to be on Marley’s side but the truth is often more complex than that. After Eren’s declaration of war on Marley, it’s revealed that Zeke had been conspiring with his brother for the sake of his own goal. He does not wish to annihilate Paradis and serve Marley; instead, his intention was to make all Eldians unable to reproduce, so that the race would eventually go extinct.

Falco becomes the Jaw Titan

Falco's Jaw Titan from 'Attack on Titan'
Image via MAPPA

From the moment this character is introduced, viewers are made aware of his desire to inherit the Armored Titan, if only to save his friend Gabi from that fate. Much like her, Falco has been training for the moment he gets to inherit a titan, but that time comes much sooner than expected when he accidentally ingested some of Zeke’s spinal fluid. Despite Colt’s pleas for Zeke to not unleash his titan-transforming scream, the latter does so anyway, activating Falco’s transformation into a mindless titan. The only way for him to regain his humanity was to eat another titan shifter, and the victim was Porco, the inheritor of the Jaw Titan.

Eren betrays Zeke

Image via MAPPA

Despite seemingly going along with Zeke’s plan to end the Eldian race, Eren had a different agenda this whole time. After the two finally touch and reunite in the Paths connecting all Subjects of Ymir, the protagonist reveals his true goal: to flatten the Earth with the Rumbling, annihilating everyone outside the Paradis Island, whom he perceives as enemies.

Eren manipulated Dr. Yeager

Image via MAPPA

By far, the most shocking moment in the whole series was when viewers learned how Eren had manipulated major events to his own advantage. Using the Attack Titan’s ability to see memories from past and future holders, Eren manipulated his own father into killing the royal family in the past, and consuming the Founding Titan’s power. This plot twist had a huge impact on the series, changing the audience’s perspective on the whole narrative.

While all of these plot twists are truly incredible, the remaining installments of Attack on Titan promise more to come. Part three of the anime’s final season premieres on March 3.