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The best ‘Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon’ characters, ranked

Who knew Feudal-era Japan had so many interesting demons?

Setsuna, Towa, and Moroha from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon is an original anime first released in October 2020. Produced by Sunrise, the series serves as a sequel to the classic Inuyasha, picking up the story several years after the defeat of Naraku.

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Instead of merely continuing to portray Inuyasha and Kagome’s adventures in Feudal Japal, however, Yashahime introduces its audience to the next generation of half-demons: Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. Separated from her twin as a child, Towa grows up in modern-day Japan, raised as a regular human by Kagome’s brother and his family. When the Tree of Ages thrusts the protagonist back into her own era, Towa finally reunites with her sister and their cousin Moroha, setting off on a quest to find the Dream Butterfly that stole Setsuna’s memories.

There’s no denying that Yashahime rides mostly on the nostalgia of those who watched and loved Inuyasha, leaving something to be desired story-wise. Even so, it’s an enjoyable watch providing viewers with adventure, action, and some incredibly powerful characters. But because strength itself doesn’t make a good character, it’s time to dive into the best attributes each of them has to offer.

As most fans of both Inuyasha and Yashahime will likely agree, if one were to make a best-characters ranking including both series, most entries would feature classical and well-loved characters like Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Sango, Miroku, and Kagome. In fact, most rankings online do precisely that, despite most of these examples being secondary or even minor characters in the sequel. For this reason, in this article the focus will be solely on original Yashahime characters, therefore excluding all those included in Inuyasha.

10. Hisui

Hisui from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

As the youngest child of Sango and Miroku, Hisui has been developing combat skills from a young, especially with the help of his uncle, Kohaku. Being now 18 years old and a Demon Slayer, this character gets himself into all sorts of trouble alongside Setsuna and Kohaku but always manages to pull through. Hisui has proven himself to be a loyal companion to those around him and shows no fear of coming face-to-face with demons, always determined to get the job done as efficiently as possible.

Toward the start of Yashahime, Hisui’s relationship with Miroku is extremely strained, since he frows upon his father’s decision to leave for 1000 days of training. Fortunately, Hisui comes to understand Miroku’s motivations and is capable of restoring their connection. Overall, the teen makes for one of best supporting characters in the anime.

9. Takechiyo

Takechiyo from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

When tensions are high, we can always count on Takechiyo to lighten the mood. Despite bickering with Moroha at all times and greatly enjoying her torment, this character is a great ally to her, Towa, and Setsuna, always guiding them on their journeys. Sure, he might not be trustworthy in combat, typically opting for cowering while others do the dirty work, but Takechiyo has his moments of rare bravery, and deep down, cares about others, especially his master. In fact, the demon holds great respect for Jyubei, remaining loyal to him. Easily bribable and with a bright personality, Takechiyo is among the best comic relief characters in the series.

8. Osamu Kirin

Osamu Kirin from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Despite being present throughout the entirety of season one, it isn’t until season two that Osamu Kirin’s true identity and motivations start to unravel. Living in the modern era, this character appeared kind and painted himself as a savior to humanity, willing to defy Kirinmaru’s plan. However, the truth is much darker. Originating out of Kirinmaru’s severed arm, Osamu becomes a major player in the second half of season two, as he attempts to use the Grim Comet for his own advantage, intent on ruling over humanity, who banished demons from the world.

Alongside impressive demonic powers, this character shows great manipulation skills, something he uses to play not only characters like Rion and Towa but the audience itself for a large portion of the series. Love it or hate it, this makes for a pretty interesting character.

7. Zero

Zero from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Zero is far from a likable character, but she’s a compelling one for sure. Heartbroken by Toga’s death, the antagonist seals off her pain and demon powers in the Rainbow Pearls, and it’s his sacrifice that awakens Zero’s scorn for humans and half-demons. Later, that leads her to inflict as much misery as possible on Toga’s descendants, especially Sesshoumaru, by putting Rin’s life at risk and attempting to kill his daughters. Ironically, more often than not, Zero acts on very human feelings like jealousy and rage, which bring her closer to the beings she considers beneath her.

Despite the trouble she causes Sesshoumaru’s family, this villain seems to truly care for her own, being loyal to Kirinmaru and going to great lengths to protect his life. In her final moments, confronted with Toga’s spirit, Zero’s defenses come crashing down which allows her to move on from the negative emotions clouding her sense. She redeems herself by releasing Rin from her curse and letting herself be stabbed by Riku.

6. Rion

Rion from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

After being killed on the battlefield Kirinamru dragged her to, Rion remained forcibly attached to the world of the living all by her lonesome self for 600 years. After being awakened, Rion shows great kindness and determination to aid Moroha, Towa, and Setsuna in their quest, putting the world’s well-being before her father’s will. While her wiseness could be expected from any other centuries-old being, it’s worth remembering that Rion was asleep during all those years, meaning that at heart, she is still a child — but one capable of facing life head-on and doing what’s right. Toward the end of her storyline, Rion’s resentment of Kirinmaru inevitably takes over her, but she proves herself capable of rising above it one last time.

5. Riku

Riku from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Over the course of the series, Riku shows great character development. Starting out as Zero’s servant, he manipulates everyone around him in order to acquire the Rainbow Pearls, including the Four Perils, Towa, Moroha, and Setsuna, whom he pits against one another to achieve his goal. As he grows attached to Towa, though, Riku begins to question his loyalties and eventually becomes an ally to the half-demons, turning his back on his creator, Kirinmaru, and ultimately Zero, whom he kills at great cost. While Riku’s actions cannot always be easily categorized as good or evil, when he’s on screen, hijinks are always guaranteed, and the character’s lively personality makes it so no one can truly dislike him, no matter which side he’s fighting for.

4. Kirinmaru

Kirinmaru from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Everyone likes a good villain, despite how much harm they may have caused along the way. With a hostile and arrogant attitude, Kirinmaru loves a good confrontation and holds respect for those who prove themselves worthy opponents. In fact, he refuses to take advantage of weakened enemies, proving that he is, above all else, an honorable fighter, with the physical and mental skills necessary to achieve his goals through battle.

Despite showing outright hatred for half-demons over the course of the series, ultimately, we learn that Kirinmaru’s actions come from a place of love for his daughter, whom he cannot let go of. Toward the end of Yashahime’s second season, the antagonist sees the error of his ways and apologizes to his enemies, accepting death.

3. Setsuna

Setsuna from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Much like her father, Sesshoumaru, Setsuna has an outwardly cold personality. She is initially unconcerned about family bonds, and it takes her a while to warm up to her twin sister after they’re reunited. Later, she’s also reluctant to acknowledge Sesshoumaru as their father, considering she wasn’t raised by him and never even met him during childhood.

While holding respect for those she deems worthy of it, Setsuna has no problem heading into combat or inflicting harm on others, particularly in her demon form, which she has trouble controlling. Slowly, though, the audience is introduced to a more caring side of this character, as she regains her stolen memories, opens up to Towa, and grows into her power.

2. Moroha

Moroha from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Just watching Moroha be herself brings about an intense feeling of nostalgia to any Inuyasha fans; this bounty hunter’s mannerisms are so much like her father’s that it’s impossible not to like her. Growing up in a wolf tribe, Moroha was taught survival and combat skills from an early age, which eventually enable her to survive on her own. Bubbly, cocky, and a skilled hunter, Moroha brings joy to the viewers whenever she’s on screen, making her an unquestionable fan favorite.

Sadly, Yashahime often sidelines Moroha’s storyline, limiting her development for the sake of Setsuna and Towa’s. The quarter-demon’s powers also leave a bit to be desired at times, but overall, this character’s personality and skills secure her place in this ranking.

1. Towa

Towa from 'Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon'
Image via Sunrise

Towa is an easy fan favorite in Yashahime, combining a heart of gold with having the most demonic powers out of the three main characters. Unlike Setsuna, Towa has an aversion to killing, but will not hesitate to start a fight to protect herself or those around her. Growing up in modern-day Tokyo, Towa doesn’t have the demon-hunting skills her sister and cousin share but is perfectly able to hold her own in both hand-to-hand or armed combat. This makes for a pretty interesting contrast with her empathetic and bright personality, especially when Towa is pushed to the limit by negative emotions like grief, rage, or vengeance. While smart and reliable, this character can be naive at times and still has a lot to learn about herself and the world, which makes witnessing her development quite gratifying.

Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon can be streamed on Hulu and Crunchyroll.