In 1997, one of the most beloved manga — One Piece — debuted. Created by Eiichiro Oda, the story follows the exploits of Monkey D. Luffy — the captain of the Straw Hat pirates — who sails the Grand Line in search of the illusive One Piece, a treasure which — when obtained — will make him King of the Pirates.
Two years after the manga began serialization, an anime adaptation from Toei Animation started airing. Both the manga and the anime are ongoing. As of July 2023, the manga has 106 tankōbon volumes, while the anime has accumulated over 1000 episodes. One Piece was the best-selling manga for 11 consecutive years from 2008 to 2018, and the anime has garnered a substantial following as well.
If you’re new to the One Piece fanbase or your curiosity is simply getting the better of you, you might be wondering how long it would take to watch all of One Piece in one very, very time-consuming sitting. There’re some episodes that aren’t that important, but for the sake of accuracy, we’re including every single episode thus far.
On average, each episode lasts around 22-24 minutes, so if we use 23 minutes as the norm, multiply that by the current number of episodes — that being 1071 as of this writing — that brings us to a total of 24,633 minutes. That equates to around 410.5 hours or 17.10 days. And that’s only for uninterrupted viewing, which means no pausing to go to the bathroom and get ready for some pretty excessive sleep deprivation.
That’s not to say that you can’t take your time to watch One Piece like a normal person, but if you’re the daredevil type, who are we to tell you no? We doubt you’ll get very far without a good night’s sleep, though. Luffy and the gang will still be there when you wake up.