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Watch: First Spider-Man: Miles Morales Trailer, Coming To PS5 This Year

Sadly, at this stage, it appears the studio isn't quite ready to show off gameplay for the title or, though we do catch a brief glimpse of Morales in his new suit traversing downtown Manhattan, just as his mentor taught him. Sporting his own custom-made suit, fans are also treated to a teaser moment that appears to hint at the main villain featuring in Spider-Man: Miles Morales - the purple-coloured energy surrounding our hero's attacker perhaps suggesting that Prowler will be the yin to Spidey's yang.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Sony has kicked off its highly anticipated PlayStation 5 reveal event today with a first-look at Insomniac’s next game featuring Marvel’s web-slinging superhero. As teased at the end of the original title, it appears that Miles Morales, not Peter Parker, will serve as the main protagonist this time around, though the latter’s voice can still briefly be heard during the reveal trailer up above.

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Sadly, at this stage, it appears the studio isn’t quite ready to show off gameplay for the project, though we do catch a brief glimpse of Morales in his new suit traversing downtown Manhattan, just as his mentor taught him. Sporting his own custom-made costume, fans are also treated to a teaser moment that appears to hint at the main villain featuring in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Yes, the purple-coloured energy surrounding our hero’s attacker perhaps suggests that Prowler will be the yin to Spidey’s yang. Chalk that up as speculation for now though until some official confirmation arrives.

Regardless, it all looks pretty exciting, to be sure, but it remains to be seen whether Parker’s protege is headlining a direct sequel to the first game or some sort of spinoff. Given the surprisingly close Holiday 2020 release date, we’re inclined to suspect the latter, but again, we’ll have to await further details.

Until then, be sure to give the reveal trailer a good look up above and let us know in the usual place below if you spotted any potential story or plot teasers. Otherwise, stay tuned for more on Spider-Man: Miles MoralesĀ as with the cat now out of the bag, we can only imagine that more details will start trickling down the pipeline ahead of the game’s quickly approaching release.