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The Internet’s Calling Out Disney For Covering Up Song Of The South

Nowadays, The Walt Disney Company prides itself on its family-friendly and politically-correct content, but that wasn't always the case. Back in the day, the entertainment giant was much less progressive when it came to the films that they produced.

Song of the South

Nowadays, The Walt Disney Company prides itself on its family-friendly and politically-correct content, but that wasn’t always the case. Back in the day, the entertainment giant was much less progressive when it came to the films that they produced.

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One famous example, a live-action and animation hybrid called Song of the South, which was set in the Reconstruction-era South, has long been criticized for its racist depictions of African American culture. Conscious of these outdated representations, the studio has long tried to erase the film from history, but some people are wondering whether they’ve been going at it the right way.

Although Song of the South, which was released in the mid-1940s, has been a subject of controversy for several decades, interest (or disinterest) in the picture has been rekindled by the ongoing protests. These events, which are taking place in response to the killing of an African American victim of police brutality, appear to have sharpened the population’s perception of racism, and increased their fervor when it comes to combating it.

From the moment Song of the South began to attract negative responses from the status quo, Disney has tried – in numerous ways – to make people forget the film has ever existed. It has, for instance, prevented the picture from being released on DVD. In addition, the company has also refused to make it available on streaming while allowing films featuring similarly outdated depictions of race like Dumbo at the same time. But as you can see below, the internet still isn’t letting them forget about its existence.



Song of the South

At first glance, it may seem a little confusing that people are criticizing Disney of racist conduct when it’s actively tried to disown an offensive project it produced in the past. However, their outrage is certainly justified considering that Disney has, in fact, continued to promote the film by featuring its cartoon characters on the popular ride Splash Mountain.

While no trace of Uncle Remus or any other African American characters from Song of the South can be found on this ride, its non-racial aspects still remain a relic of a criminal past – one which the nation ought to atone for, not celebrate with a theme park attraction.