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Amber Heard Might’ve Been Fired From Aquaman 2

Numerous reports are surfacing online that say Amber Heard may've been fired from her role as Mera in Warner Bros.' Aquaman 2.


Amber Heard has seen her reputation take a major hit during her high profile legal battle with ex-husband Johnny Depp, thanks to a series of explosive and highly-publicized revelations emerging in recent months. Of course, Depp lost the biggest gig of his career when he was reportedly dropped from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise due to all the negative press, but with the tides starting to turn in his favor, it’s now being reported that he could be reinstated in the role of Captain Jack Sparrow.

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Of course, Heard is also the star of a billion dollar franchise, thanks to her part in the DCEU, but now, with all these allegations leaking out that paint her as a pretty terrible person, fans are demanding that she be fired from her role as Mera. Aquaman 2 isn’t expected to start shooting for a while yet, so the studio still has plenty of time to decide if they want to keep her on board or not, but it seems that her career may now be in jeopardy.

According to numerous reports, Heard has been fired from the film. Sausage Roll is claiming that the actress “has been removed from the upcoming Aquaman sequel and subsequently expelled from any future Warner Brothers production indefinitely.” Furthermore, they say that she’s had “a difficult time securing roles with a defamation lawsuit hanging over her head, and now that the courts have rejected her appeal, she, herself, is also being flat out rejected.”

Meanwhile, the popular Change.org petition to have Heard fired from Aquaman 2 claims that “inside sources have unofficially confirmed that Amber Heard has been sacked from AM2. Apparently they don’t want to start filming and then get left in the lurch if she gets hauled off to jail for falsifying evidence, a very real possibility.”

All that being said, Heroic Hollywood’s Umberto Gonzalez is stating that Heard has not yet been fired, and while he often is pretty reliable when it comes to insider intel, he’s also been wrong about a lot of things in the past. In other words, until Warner Bros. comes out and makes some kind of official statement, we advise taking everything with a grain of salt.

Indeed, even our own sources have said that no one is 100% sure right now what the studio is going to do as they’ve been sending out “mixed signals” over the past few weeks. We’ve been told that it’s possible that she’s been fired already, but it’s also possible that they’ll keep her on and just reduce her role. Right now, we can’t confirm anything. Other than the fact that things aren’t looking too good for Amber Heard at the moment and that it’s starting to sound like Aquaman 2 may be moving forward without her.