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The Witcher 3 Developer Reveals Which Systems Sold The Most Copies

CD Projekt Red, the Polish game developer known around the world for creating the popular Witcher series - the same one which served as the inspiration for the Netflix sleeper hit of the same name - recently released their annual sales report, revealing which systems sold the most copies of their last title, 2015's The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. 


CD Projekt Red, the Polish game developer known around the world for creating the popular Witcher series – the same one which served as the inspiration for the Netflix sleeper hit of the same name – recently released their annual sales report, revealing which systems sold the most copies of their last title, 2015’s The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. 

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Long story short, since the game’s release, CD Projekt Red has shipped a total of 12.4 million PC copies, 10.8 million PlayStation 4 copies, 4.3 million Xbox One copies, and around 700.000 Nintendo Switch copies. At first glance, the Switch seems to have performed poorly compared to the other systems. However, considering Nintendo’s newest console came out almost three years after the release of The Witcher 3, the fact that it was able to sell nearly a million copies is quite a feat.

The Witcher franchise is comprised of three open world role playing games that together follow the story of Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter for hire who travels around the fictional Northern Kingdoms in search for work while trying not to get involved in too much political turmoil and turf war along the way.

Similar to other RPGs like Bethesda Studios’ Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, The Witcher 3 has enjoyed an incredibly long and lucrative lifespan. It owes this lifespan to a number of things, including its massive open world and stellar story. It probably also helped that, just when hype around the game began to die down a little, Netflix adapted it into an original series, the second season of which is already in the works.

And, with an animated movie spinoff set to arrive on the streamer’s platform in the near future, it seems likely that The Witcher games will sell many, many more copies before the fourth installment will be officially announced.