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Disney World Keeping One Part Of Its Resort Open Amidst Coronavirus

Tons of businesses are losing astronomical amounts of money during the current coronavirus outbreak, and one of those companies happens to be Disney.


Tons of businesses are losing astronomical amounts of money during the current coronavirus outbreak, and one of those companies happens to be Disney.

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Since the pandemic, Disney has been forced to close down all of its parks around the world, as well as halt production on movies, TV shows, and their ESPN division has taken a hit with no live sports. It was recently noted that Disney is losing around $20 million a day after being forced to close down its parks, but according to a report from Blog Mickey, there is still one part of the Walt Disney World Resort that remains open in Florida.

The Walt Disney World’s golf course is up and running in Orange County. While Orange County, Florida is currently under a “stay at home” order due to the coronavirus, golf courses are exempt from the order.

For those who don’t know, The Walt Disney World golf course features an 18-hole course, as well as a nine-hole footgolf course – seemingly a mixture of soccer and golf – and is very popular. And for now, it’s still available to the public in the midst of the coronavirus madness that has essentially stopped the world from being able to work.

Honestly, I’m not sure how smart of a move this is. Typically, golf attracts those who are a little more up there in age, and given COVID-19 has a higher death rate with senior citizens, this has bad idea written all over it. Hopefully people make the smart decision to stay home during this time, but as we know, Floridians were still partying it up on the beach while the virus’ impact was on the rise.

The current stay at home order is in effect until April 9th and although the golf course is open, it does ask that you pay green fees online when your tee times are scheduled. Also, if you plan on paying in person, only credit and debit cards will be accepted, no cash.