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4.5 Hour YouTube Video Fully Explains Twin Peaks

Out of all of David Lynch's work, it really seems like Twin Peaks is going to be his defining creation. The illustrious, weirdo director has had a many-storied career, almost winning an Oscar for an arthouse piece featuring Justin Theroux talking to a spooky Cowboy Ghost who secretly runs Hollywood. However, nothing has quite penetrated, and confused, the cultural zeitgeist like Twin Peaks: we have Agent Dale Cooper memes, entire Psych episodes dedicated to recreating the show, and one of the most successful decades-later revivals to date. However, after watching even one episode of the cult series, everyone has one question: "What the fuck just happened?"

Out of all of David Lynch’s work, it really seems like Twin Peaks is going to be his defining creation. The illustrious, weirdo director has had a very storied career, almost winning an Oscar for an arthouse piece featuring Justin Theroux talking to a spooky Cowboy Ghost who secretly runs Hollywood. However, nothing has quite penetrated, and confused, the cultural zeitgeist like Twin Peaks.

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We have Agent Dale Cooper memes, entire Psych episodes dedicated to recreating the show and one of the most successful decades-later revivals to date. However, after watching even one episode of the cult series, everyone has one question: “What the heck just happened?”

But do not despair if Lynch’s sometimes-impenetrable narrative choices leave you feeling a little lost, as YouTube channel Twin Perfect has released a 4.5 hour-long video explaining every intricacy Twin Peaks has to offer.  If you’re confused about the circumstances of Laura Palmer’s murder, they have an answer. If you’re wondering about all of the strange personality swaps that happen over the three seasons, Twin Perfect has you covered. If you find yourself asking “What About Bob?,” either the YouTube video or the 1991 Bill Murray feature should provide you with some closure.

In my personal opinion, having Lynch explained to you takes half the fun out of watching his works. After all, the man himself refrains from discussing his own material, often in comical ways.

I may or may not have studied Lynch in college during – oh, let me adjust my glasses – an Auteur Theory class. I wrote detailed essays containing my own theories and takes on Mulholland Dr., Eraserhead, and Lost Highway, which is my personal favorite of his, even if it isn’t his best. While we did discuss theories in class, my professor (Hi, Holly!) always stressed that there’s no definitive answers in David’s work. Except maybe Dune, but, yuck, Dune. So watch this video at your own peril.

I also think Lynch is fun to watch without trying to figure anything out. His movies are wild, going in fractured directions that keep you guessing. The performances, especially Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet, are almost instantly iconic. Lynch’s visuals, meanwhile, are kitschy but distinct while being immaculately framed and composed. His scores, too, usually provided by the incomparable Angelo Badalamenti, are emotional toe-tappers. David Lynch’s works, though, are not date movies; take it from me, someone who made-out during the Twin Peaks pilot. Ill-advised. I blame the dark, sexy undercurrent of Lynch’s work, which Twin Perfect comments on, in great detail.