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Batwoman’s Ruby Rose Reveals Her Mental Health Struggles

Speaking out as part of World Mental Health Day, Batwoman star Ruby Rose has discussed her own problems with depression. The Australian actor has been vocal about some of the reactions to her character Kate Kane in the Arrowverse, with the series promoting a powerful feminist message. In a post on Instagram, Rose was frank about the struggles she's faced since her childhood, and how they've shaped her career to date.


Speaking out as part of World Mental Health Day, Batwoman star Ruby Rose has discussed her own problems with depression. The Australian actor has been vocal about some of the reactions to her character Kate Kane in the Arrowverse, with the series promoting a powerful feminist message. And in a recent post on Instagram, Rose was frank about the struggles she’s faced since her childhood, and how they’ve shaped her career to date.

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Sharing a photo of herself in a hospital bed prior to her role on Orange is the New Black, Rose commented as so:

“Today is World Mental Health Day. This photo is from right before I started OITNB. I’ve struggled with mental health my entire life. I was first diagnosed with depression at 13, then major depressive disorder at 16. When I was 18 I found out I had Dissociative amnesia”

She went on to explain memory gaps from her childhood, and how she’s had to deal with different treatments and suicide attempts:

““I was also diagnosed with Bipolar for a long time until it turned out I just had depression.. the pure sad depression without the fun and not so fun parts of mania, it was an overactive thyroid that created that misdiagnosis. Cut to many dark times. On medication, off medication, on and off and on and off per each wrong diagnoses.”

However, and despite a diagnosis of complex PTSD, Rose talks about finding her strength and managing her condition. We’re glad to see her being so open about her experiences as well in order to showcase the need for better understanding of mental health. Former Doctor Who actor Christopher Eccleston also recently revealed his struggles with mental health, something that’s often overlooked when considering those in the public eye.

Rose’s commitment to bringing Batwoman to life is already paying off in the series’ bold opening and investment in the character’s mythology, with episodes featuring Hush and some hints that the Joker could have a role to play in the future. The DC series airs on Sunday nights on The CW and so far, at least, it’s turning out to be another great addition to the network’s roster.