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Kevin Hart Could Be Sued Over His Recent Car Crash

It sounds like Kevin Hart is thankfully going to be making a full recovery following his horrific car crash earlier this month. Unfortunately, though, now it's time for some of the harsh realities to set in, as the comedian is reportedly facing serious legal consequences stemming from the accident that injured both him and two others in the vehicle.

Kevin Hart

It sounds like Kevin Hart is thankfully going to be making a full recovery following his horrific car crash earlier this month. Unfortunately, though, now it’s time for some of the harsh realities to set in, as the comedian is reportedly facing serious legal consequences stemming from the accident that injured both him and two others in the vehicle.

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Jared Black, the friend who was driving Hart’s 1970 Plymouth Barracuda at the time of the crash, as well as the backseat passenger Rebecca Broxterman have both hired attorneys. The 40-year-old actor has also retained lawyers, since he’s reportedly in the “crosshairs” due to dangerous conditions inside his vehicle. Apparently, the car lacked both airbags and safety harnesses, which may have resulted in the seriousness of some of the injuries sustained.

The argument being made by Black and Broxterman’s attorneys is that Hart should have made sure that his customized vintage Plymouth Barracuda had sufficient safety features. The fact that they weren’t there could be ruled as negligence on his part.

Yet, even if Hart had requested that the vehicle not be outfitted with various safety features, the company doing the work should’ve refused the job over safety concerns, especially since the car has a whopping 720 horsepower engine. In the aftermath of the incident, law enforcement sources are now indicating that they want to lobby the state legislature to prohibit custom cars from being released without harnesses in the future.

There’s a chance that Black may also face legal consequences for the accident, depending on why the crash happened. If authorities deem that he was driving recklessly, he could find himself in a heap of trouble.

As of right now, this ugly situation is far from over and while it’s great that everyone will be okay, Kevin Hart will likely have to deal with the fallout from this accident for a while yet.