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Amanda Seyfried Turned Down Playing Gamora In Guardians Of The Galaxy

Gamora is one of the MCU's most popular leading ladies, with Thanos' rebellious daughter becoming a firm fan favorite thanks to Zoe Saldana's great performance in the Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers movies. Things could have been different, though, if Amanda Seyfried was more inclined to grab the part back in the day. 

Gamora Infinity War

Gamora is one of the MCU’s most popular leading ladies, with Thanos’ rebellious daughter becoming a firm fan favorite thanks to Zoe Saldana’s great performance in the Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers movies. Things could have been different, though, if Amanda Seyfried was more inclined to grab the part back in the day.

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The Mamma Mia star was asked by MTV International if she’d ever consider doing a superhero film, to which the actress responded that she’s turned one down in the past. Seyfried didn’t mention the movie by name, but Marvel fans will instantly work out who she’s talking about thanks to her mention of having to be greened up for the role. In fact, it seems the heavy make-up involved was part of the reason she said no.

“I turned down [a superhero movie] once and they haven’t called back since. And it was a big’un. I don’t regret it because I didn’t want to be green for six months out of every year. They tell beautiful stories through superheroes, and my daughter’s now really obsessed with superheroes now, and part of me wishes I’d done it, but the other part of me is like ‘I had a life to live’ and I don’t think I would’ve been happy.”

Funnily enough, around this same time, Saldana herself almost played a different superhero movie character. Zack Snyder recently confirmed that he almost chose the Avatar star as Lois Lane in Man of Steel, with the final two candidates being Saldana and Amy Adams, who of course ended up with the part. Somewhere out there in the multiverse, there’s a world where Saldana got to romance Henry Cavill’s Superman and Thanos threw Seyfried’s Gamora off a cliff in Avengers: Infinity War. 

But, back in this reality, Saldana will next be seen as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3though that won’t be with us for a while yet. The actress has teased that she’d like to get to grips with the meaner, darker sides of her character though now that she’s playing a Gamora from another timeline who doesn’t know the Guardians.

Things probably turned out for the best here, but tell us, what other superhero movie character could Amanda Seyfriend be a good fit for? Let us know your thoughts in the usual place below.