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Joker Trailer Reveals First Official Look At Batman’s Father, Thomas Wayne

Now that we finally have a full trailer for the Joker movie to digest, I'm sure we each have our own opinions regarding the flick. Some may be impressed just as I was, while others may not dig what they've seen. Either way, let's not forget that director Todd Phillips has said most assumptions about the film are inaccurate.

Phoenix Joker

Now that we finally have a full trailer for the Joker movie to digest, I’m sure we each have our own opinions regarding the flick. Some may be impressed just as I was, while others may not dig what they’ve seen. Either way, let’s not forget that director Todd Phillips has said most assumptions about the film are inaccurate.

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Still, there are some hard takeaways from the footage thus far provided. Aside from the obvious descent into madness displayed by Joaquin Phoenix’s would-be Clown Prince of Crime, there’s the matter of Thomas Wayne to discuss. And if you were paying attention, you should’ve spotted him, too.

Below is a screenshot showing off Brett Cullen as the aforementioned character, whom you may know as the father of Batman. Funny enough, Cullen previously played a Congressman in The Dark Knight Rises – the very same guy who was kidnapped by Selina Kyle at one point.

If anything, the involvement of Thomas Wayne will continue mystifying Bat-fans everywhere as we wonder just what kind of timeline this movie follows. We could surmise that the Joker comes into being long before the Caped Crusader because Bruce Wayne is merely a boy in this tale, but again, Phillips tells us not to prematurely make assumptions.

Actually, what I said in the above paragraph is my best guess as to how the situation unfolds, but I’m not sure what to think at this point. Who knows, maybe those theories saying that Phoenix’s character gives way to the true villain who’ll one day torment the Batman have weight to them?

All will be revealed when Joker arrives in theaters on October 4th.