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Three From Hell Star Says The Film’s Full Of Gratuitous Violence

Bill Moseley, who stars in Rob Zombie's Three From Hell, says that the film is packed with gratuitous violence. Color us excited.

Now that Rob Zombie’s done touring with Marilyn Manson, the filmmaker/musician has returned to work on Three From Hell, the long-awaited follow-up to cult hits House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects.

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The director’s been pretty generous when it comes to promotional images, too, giving us various character-spotlighting posters and, of course, numerous behind-the-scenes pics over the past few months. But lately, his updates have died down considerably as from what we understand, he’s now hard at work editing the film and piecing it together.

And while the first trailer, or even a glimpse of footage eludes us, that hasn’t stopped the cast from hyping up what’s sure to be an exciting trilogy closer. In fact, star Bill Moseley recently promised Rue Morgue that those who enjoyed Corpses and Rejects will really dig Three From Hell.

“All of the people who loved House of 1000 Corpses and Devil’s Rejects are going to have a luau of excitement and happiness when they see 3 from Hell. It’s going to be a crowd-pleaser. From what I’ve heard from Rob, he’s very happy and excited about what he’s got.”

Continuing on, the actor also teased that the film is full of gratuitous violence, which he’s excited about as that’s something we just don’t see very much these days.

“It’s chockablock with gratuitous violence [laughs], which is great, because lately there have been a lot of good horror movies that just don’t have a lot of that. I mean, the violence is skillful, it’s effective, but it’s not gratuitous, and that’s what I think the fans are missing. I think we just want a lot of violence for violence’s sake—decapitations, shotguns to the face, just general ass-kickin’ stuff that we’re not really getting much of these day.”

Plot-wise, we still don’t know a lot about what the Firefly clan will be up to in their third big screen outing, but we imagine we’ll learn more soon. Especially since Zombie’s currently editing it, which means that some photos and perhaps even a trailer are on the way.

Though an official release date has yet to be announced, we expect Three From Hell to hit theaters around mid-2019. And when it does, you can look forward to tons of gruesome, gratuitous violence. And frankly, what more could you ask for from this particular series?