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Legends Of Tomorrow Season 4 Synopsis Promises A New Threat

Legends of Tomorrow may have ended its season earlier than much of its DC TV brethren, but it remains in the hearts and minds of devoted viewers everywhere. After posting what I personally thought to be its finest outing to date, the network has since decided to pair the time travelling series with its progenitor, Arrow, on Monday nights this fall. To be honest, this could end up being my favorite evening of television.

Legends of Tomorrow may have ended its season earlier than much of its DC TV brethren, but it remains in the hearts and minds of devoted viewers everywhere. After posting what I personally thought to be its finest outing to date, the network has since decided to pair the time travelling series with its progenitor, Arrow, on Monday nights this fall. To be honest, this could end up being my favorite evening of television.

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So, while we may not learn much about what the future holds until San Diego Comic-Con next month – which, as it so happens, is around the time shooting resumes on various Arrowverse series – we’re pleased that some information is already trickling in.

As you may have heard, Mallus was only the tip of the iceberg, for the Waverider crew will have to contend with many more supernatural beings going forward. The following synopsis does somewhat reiterate what happened upon the conclusion of April’s finale, sure, but also offers teasers regarding what else is on the way:

After defeating Mallus by cuddling him to death with a giant stuffed animal named Beebo, the Legends were ready to ease off the gas. That was until Constantine arrived to inform them that, in solving one major problem, they have created another, much larger one. When the Legends let time crumble in order to release and defeat Mallus, the barrier between worlds softened. History is now infected with “Fugitives” – magical creatures from myths, fairytales, and legends. Having been expelled throughout time by people like Constantine, these Fugitives are now returning to our world in droves and making a real mess of things. So when all hell breaks loose, who ya gonna call? That’s right, the Legends!

Frankly, I think the whole “Fugitive” concept will work well, even if it means the series taking even more of a mystical turn. After all, it gives the cast yet another excuse to travel to different time periods, similar to that of last year’s anachronisms. Hey, it’d feel quite odd if our heroes were to plant their feet in the present following all of the adventures they’ve had, wouldn’t it?

Legends of Tomorrow returns for its fourth season on Monday, October 22 on The CW.