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Batman: Arkham City Will Include New Game Plus Mode

A newly-announced new game plus option will allow armchair Caped Crusaders to revisit Batman: Arkham City with all of the hero's gadgets unlocked. Though, don't take it for granted that your second play through will be easier because of that.

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A newly-announced new game plus option will allow armchair Caped Crusaders to revisit Batman: Arkham City with all of the hero’s gadgets unlocked.

“When you finish the main story mode, you can then restart that with all of the gadgets and all of the upgrades you got in that first playthrough,” Rocksteady’s Dax Ginn told GameTrailers at PAX.

“But you’re going to need them in the second playthrough because all of the enemy configurations have changed. All of the assistance you get in combat with those blue lightning bolts coming up against guys who are about to hit you, they’re gone. So you have to read their animations coming in.

“That’s why we really wanted to drive home the replayability with Batman: Arkham City – taking those gadgets back into the streets, delivering justice a second time around. Really asking, ‘Are you the Dark Knight? Have you got what it takes?’”

This, combined with the game’s grand amount of side quests, will allow virtual superheroes to spend a lot of time in Arkham City. That’s a good thing in our books.

Batman: Arkham City will be available on October 18 for XBOX 360, PS3 and PC.

Thanks to RipTen.