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Sterling K. Brown And Justin Hartley Sound Game For Green Lantern Corps

Even though Warner Bros. have finally begun exposing moviegoers to what the DC Universe has to offer beyond Superman and Batman in our current decade, one element that I'd like to see generously expanded upon is that of anything pertaining to ringslingers. That said, you can probably imagine I'm a strong advocate for Green Lantern Corps seeing the light of day. I mean, 2011's Green Lantern showed us the tip of the iceberg, but it just didn't resonate with audiences.

Even though Warner Bros. have finally begun exposing moviegoers to what the DC Universe has to offer beyond Superman and Batman in our current decade, one element that I’d like to see generously expanded upon is that of anything pertaining to ringslingers. That said, you can probably imagine I’m a strong advocate for Green Lantern Corps seeing the light of day. I mean, 2011’s Green Lantern showed us the tip of the iceberg, but it just didn’t resonate with audiences.

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Of course, you’d obviously expect more from a flick when it has the word “corps” in the title, thus it seems only natural that a fair amount of lightsmiths put in appearances. For the longest time, we’ve been hearing that Hal Jordan and John Stewart will serve as the central characters, but recent rumors hinted that newcomers Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz may usurp the spotlight. But until the studio gives confirmation, we’ll continue assuming the veterans will be the focus.

Green Lantern Corps

Speaking of which, one Sterling K. Brown has been offering constant reassurance that he’d love to play Stewart, with a fan recently asking on Twitter if he’s still “interested” by shooting a photo of John and Hal together his way. Naturally, Brown responded with “I’m not mad at it!”

What adds to the intrigue is that Justin Hartley, a colleague of Brown’s from This is Us, also replied with “If the suit fits…,” so that offers even more encouragement. Plus, it’d give Hartley a chance to cross yet another DC hero off his checklist, as he’s previously played Aquaman in an ill-fated television pilot and Green Arrow on Smallville.

Now, it’d be a matter of scheduling, but both men would be great fits for Green Lantern Corps, should WB take them under consideration. Needless to say, we’ll keep you posted on any casting news if it breaks.