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Ezra Miller Wants The Flash To Face Savitar In Upcoming Solo Film

Ezra Miller, the portrayer of Barry Allen AKA The Flash in both of Snyder’s post-Man of Steel superhero films, revealed which villain he'd like to see his hero face-off against.

Despite all the hubbub surrounding the DCEU, created by founding father Zack Snyder and his social media antics, namely those regarding the apocalyptic future depicted in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice where Earth is under the control of Darkseid, and his Parademons, the film’s cast have been relatively hushed on the matter.

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Ezra Miller, who’s arguably been at the centre of his director’s online purging, recently participated in the Wizard World Philadelphia 2018 Justice League panel. Although the portrayer of Barry Allen AKA The Flash in both of Snyder’s post-Man of Steel superhero films didn’t comment on the Knightmare narrative, he did reveal which villain he’d like to see his hero face-off against on the big screen.

Sitting beside his Justice League co-star, Ray Fisher (Cyborg), the pair were asked which antagonist they’d like to battle somewhere down the road. Miller excitedly answered, but the baddie he chose probably isn’t the one you’re expecting.

“There’s a lot that just comes from the world of the Flash and various Rogues. It’s hard to choose a favourite…Savitar! I really love those– a lot of those plot-lines. So, I’ll say that for now.”

Fans might recall Savitar as the main villain in the third season of The CW’s The Flash. Given that he made a pretty big impact on the show, it’s hard to say if WB would bring him to the big screen so soon after audiences last saw him, but it’d certainly be interesting to see Miller’s version of the hero take on the big bad.

But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. After all, Flashpoint was dealt a devastating blow when it was announced earlier this month that the motion picture would not be adapting the popular Geoff Johns comic book, and Warner Bros. will instead produce a solo Flash feature.

The film is aiming for a 2020 release, but that could change given the recent development, which is rumored to have materialized on account of Ben Affleck’s departure from the DCEU. As such, things are very much up in the air at the moment when it comes to this particular project, but as soon as we learn more, we’ll be sure to let you know.