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Solo: A Star Wars Story Writer Says Lando Is Pansexual

The buzz surrounding Lando Calrissian continues to grow as the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story approaches. First, there was the announcement that he may end up getting his own spinoff. Now, there’s talk going around about what Lando’s sexuality might be.

The buzz surrounding Lando Calrissian continues to grow as the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story approaches. First, there was the announcement that he may end up getting his own spinoff. Now, there’s talk going around about what Lando’s sexuality is.

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When screenwriter Jonathan Kasdan was asked about whether or not Donald Glover’s character might be pansexual in an interview with The Huffington Post, here’s what he said:

“I would say yes. There’s a fluidity to Donald [Glover] and Billy Dee’s [portrayal of Lando’s] sexuality.”

In Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lando apparently expresses a charisma that’s so electric, he’ll fall for anyone or anything that sweeps him off his feet. However, Kasdan says that his sexuality still isn’t explicit. Audiences can interpret whether or not they think he’s queer, but according to the writer, it’s never made clear that he is.

“I mean, I would have loved to have gotten a more explicitly LGBT character into this movie. I think it’s time, certainly, for that, and I love the fluidity- sort of the spectrum that Donald appeals to and that droids are a part of.”

This statement is a continuation of the practice of promoting queer characters that don’t exist. It’s been previously demonstrated by other writers and filmmakers and it’s getting more and more frustrating. I’m looking at you, J.K. Rowling. Bill Condon, I’ve got my eye on you as well. I beg all of you to please stop talking about your films having gay people unless they actually have gay people.

There may be this likely fear that movies with LGBTQ+ characters won’t play well overseas, and that’s why we aren’t seeing them in major blockbusters. So, studios like Lucasfilm should either be honest and say they won’t include a gay character or take a risk and include one while not making a big fuss over it. Let audiences figure it out by themselves.

Admittedly, it would be wonderful if they took a risk by putting an openly queer character in a Star Wars movie. Maybe there’s a chance it could play well in countries with strict anti-gay laws like China or Russia. But if the people at Lucasfilm choose not to take that risk, then there are still plenty of films that folks in the LGBTQ+ community can watch to see themselves represented in a more positive manner.

If screenwriters like Jonathan Kasdan want to be true allies, they need to practice what they preach. Even if it’s a risk as I previously mentioned, they should take the risk anyhow and go from there. After all, the Star Wars franchise is like the Hydra monster. If one film fails or in other words, if one head gets cut off, more heads will grow back.