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Henry Cavill Wants To Play Superman Again Sooner Rather Than Later

The end of Justice League promised a completely revamped Superman in the DCEU as the reborn Man of Steel seemed to have lost his darker edges from previous movies and was now very much the smiling figure of hope that he's typically presented as. The only trouble is that we're not sure when we might see this brighter Supes again. Neither, it seems, does star Henry Cavill, though he hopes he'll find out the answer fairly soon.

The end of Justice League promised a completely revamped Superman in the DCEU as the reborn Man of Steel seemed to have lost his darker edges from previous movies and was now very much the smiling figure of hope that he’s typically presented as. The only trouble is that we’re not sure when we might see this brighter Supes again. Neither, it seems, does star Henry Cavill, though he hopes he’ll find out the answer fairly soon.

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Fandango caught up with Cavill at CinemaCon and asked him when we can expect see him back in the blue tights. The actor admitted he couldn’t answer that “definitively” but teased that he’s in discussions behind the scenes, so hopefully something concrete will happen soon.

“I can’t answer that definitively right now. But I’m hoping sooner rather than later. I’ve been talking to certain people and hopefully, we’re going to start talking to other people who are responsible for making those calls. And we shall see.”

The most prevalent rumor at the moment is that Superman will return in Shazam!, which is, after all, based on a character who was heavily inspired by the Last Son of Krypton back in the 1940s. If Cavill is indeed appearing in that movie, which is filming now, then he definitely would be playing the part again sooner rather than later.

Alternatively, maybe the ball is finally rolling on Man of Steel 2. Last we heard, Kingsman director Matthew Vaughn was still in contention to helm what would likely be a very different sequel to Zack Snyder’s original movie from back in 2013.

While we wait for Henry Cavill to make his calls, tell us, where would you like to see Superman turn up next? In Shazam!, Man of Steel 2 or some other project? Have your say in the comments section down below.