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An Old Friend Returns In This New Set Pic From Doctor Who Season 11

Filming continues apace on the Gosport set of Doctor Who season 11, and UK tabloid The Mirror (h/t Daily Express) has relayed some new photos to prove it.

Filming continues apace on the Gosport set of Doctor Who season 11, and UK tabloid The Mirror (h/t Daily Express) has relayed some new photos to prove it.

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Embedded below, the gallery sees Jodie Whittaker signing autographs for a number of curious Whovians eager to get up close and personal with their new Time Lord. She’s really taken to the role, too, particularly after her blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance during Doctor Who‘s festive treat, “Twice Upon a Time.”

It’s also laid the foundations for a truly unmissable season, and at least based on The Mirror’s findings, Doctor Who‘s next installment will welcome the return of an old friend: K9, the beloved metal pooch best known for its recurring role on The Sarah Jane Adventures. Word is Doctor Who companion Bradley Walsh was spotted next to the canine (along with a Dalek), which tells us that his character may well have a connection with the fan-favorite. Either that, or K9 is simply returning for one of the 10 deeply cinematic episodes set to air in October of this year.

It caps off a pretty exciting month for the Doctor Who camp, after the BBC formally unveiled the show’s stellar new logo, which favors a more elegant design over its predecessors.

The Doctor Who logo and insignia are the quintessential signifiers for the brand. Our aim was to create modern and elegant designs that were anchored in the things that we love most about Doctor Who.

It’s the thirteenth Doctor and the eleventh season, so it’s small wonder why Whovians are looking forward to October with hushed excitement. Granted, the BBC has yet to settle on a concrete date for Doctor Who‘s return, but we’ll be sure to keep you informed as more comes to light.