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The Oscar-Nominated Get Out Is Returning To Theaters Next Week

Jordan Peele's Oscar-nominated Get Out is returning to theaters next week (February 19th), and you can see it free of charge.

Jordan Peele’s directorial debut, Get Out, is officially an Oscar-nominee. It’s also one of the most culturally significant movies of the past 10 years. And that’s not a phrase we use lightly.

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As things stand, it’s in the running for Best Picture, Best Director (Peele), Best Actor (Daniel Kaluuya), and Best Original Screenplay (Peele, again) at the 90th Academy Awards, so Get Out stands a chance of walking away with at least one accolade when the lights go down on Sunday, March 4th.

But if you’ve yet to see Jordan Peele’s masterclass with your own two eyes, AMC Theaters (h/t Bloody Disgusting) has just the answer, as Get Out is returning to select theaters on Monday, February 19th. Full details and ticket information can be found on the company’s site. And perhaps the best thing about AMC’s anniversary celebration – remember, Get Out initially slithered into theaters on February 24th of 2017 – is that viewers will be able to spend their President’s Day at the Armitage household completely free of charge.

Get Out

And though Get Out doesn’t necessarily lend itself to the sequel treatment, Jordan Peele recently admitted that he’s been throwing around ideas for a potential continuation, though it’s unclear if it’ll involve a familiar set of characters, or simply be set in the same twisted universe.

I will definitely, seriously consider it. I love that universe and feel like there’s more story to tell. I don’t know what it is now, but there are some loose ends.

Indeed there are. But in the interest of keeping spoilers at bay for those who haven’t seen Get Out, we’ll refrain from mentioning any specifics here.

So, what are you waiting for? With cities like Boston and New York set to host free screenings of Peele’s horror hit on February 19th, there’s never been a better time to catch up on one of 2017’s greatest films.