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Dredd Actor Karl Urban Lobbies For Female Thor Movie

Karl Urban of Thor: Ragnarok believes it's high time for Marvel to break course and launch a female Thor movie starring Jane Foster.

In the fallout of The Dark World, many were left questioning the future of Marvel’s God of Thunder.

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Sure, the Norse god still enjoyed an active role in the MCU thanks to Age of Ultron, but it’s fair to say that Thor somewhat fell down the pecking order circa 2014. Heck, even Chris Hemsworth admits that he was beginning to get bored of his musclebound deity prior to Thor: Ragnarok.

What changed? Taika Waititi, who made a point of crafting a rip-roaring and at times bizarre adventure for Marvel’s Norse god. By all accounts, it looks as though Waititi has knocked it out of the park, creating a relatively standalone threequel that doesn’t get caught up in the looming shadow of Avengers: Infinity War. But what’s next for Thor? Well, Karl Urban has an idea, and it may involve drafting Jane Foster back to the fore.

The former Dredd actor is part of Thor: Ragnarok‘s impressive ensemble, and while promoting the Marvel threequel, MFR (via ComicBook.com) asked Urban about his thoughts on a female-led Thor movie.

In short, the actor fully supports the idea, though he didn’t elaborate beyond the fact that said project is “well overdue.”

I think it’s time – I think it’s well overdue, absolutely. I’d like to see that movie, why not.

Two years ago, Marvel Comics bucked tradition by unveiling Jane Foster to be the new Thor, who assumed the mighty Mjölnir in her quest to protect the Nine Realms. That role was given to Natalie Portman in the original Thor movies, though we’ve since learned that Portman’s heroine won’t be involved in Ragnarok whatsoever. Whether the Powers That Be plan to keep Miss. Foster on the back-burner until such a time as Chris Hemsworth is ready to pass the torch is up for question, though it certainly presents food for thought.

Karl Urban will be part of the star-studded cast when Thor: Ragnarok descends into theaters on November 3rd. And you’d be best keeping your peepers peeled for an Easter egg or three.