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Chris Carter Gives Us Our First Look At The X-Files Season 11

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Despite mixed reviews, The X-Files revival was a ratings hit, with audiences hungry to find out what had happened to Agents Mulder and Scully seven years after the extremely dodgy X-Files: I Want to Believe feature film. Buoyed up by their success, Fox commissioned a further 10 episode season, which is currently shooting in Vancouver (it wouldn’t be right for the X-Files to film anywhere else, right?).

Now, thanks to an interview that show creator Chris Carter did with EW, we have an idea of what everyone’s favorite paranormal investigators will be dealing with. Cast your mind back to last season’s finale and you’ll remember that there was an alien virus sweeping the planet, with Scully mysteriously immune to its effects. It left Mulder dying and the two trapped in gridlock unable to get medical attention.

So, it’s a bit perplexing that the first production shot they’ve released shows Scully unconscious in a hospital bed and an apparently spry looking Mulder watching over her. You can check it out up in the gallery above, along with another photo that EW premiered.

All Carter has to say on the matter is, “Obviously something unexpected has happened. Everything is by design.” Very helpful. He also hints that the coming season will see one of the best will they/won’t they TV couples ever rekindling their relationship, as well as an appearance from their child William, who was put up for adoption 15 years ago.

There’s always been tension between the conspiracy episode fans and those after a monster-of-the-week mystery, and as I’m in the latter camp, it’s nice to note that eight of the ten episodes are going to be standalone cases for the pair to solve, with only the season premiere and finale developing the ongoing X-Files mythos.

We’ll also see a mysterious Mr. Y (Mr. X’s brother?), the return of the duplicitous Agent Reyes and, best of all, the result of Assistant Director Skinner. But who among these can Mulder and Scully trust? If you don’t already know the answer to that question, then you can’t call yourself an X-Files fan.