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Black Suit Superman Teased Again In New Justice League Marketing Material

Much has been made about Superman's role in Justice League. Given that he died at the end of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, perhaps the biggest thing people are wondering about is how exactly he'll be resurrected. While that's something we probably won't find out until the film actually hits theaters, there are a few things about the character that have been heavily rumored throughout production. One of which is the fact that he'll be donning his famous black suit at some point.

Much has been made about Superman’s role in Justice League. Given that he died at the end of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, perhaps the biggest thing people are wondering about is how exactly he’ll be resurrected. While that’s something we probably won’t find out until the film actually hits theaters, there are a few things about the character that have been heavily rumored throughout production. One of which is the fact that he’ll be donning his famous black suit at some point.

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First teased by Henry Cavill last year, fans of the comics will know that the Man of Steel originally wore the costume back in “The Death of Superman.” In that arc, he was killed by Doomsday and upon his revival, he sported the black suit with a longer hairstyle. From what we’ve heard so far, it sounds like Justice League might be taking some inspiration from the famous storyline and that includes having the hero wear the alternate threads. Though again, that has in no way been confirmed just yet.

However, it is looking more and more likely and the latest piece of evidence that’s surfaced is directly from Warner Bros. Yes, that’s right, as we’ve now learned that the official guide that can be picked up while attending the WB Studio Tour includes a fair amount of Justice League material, as expected. What’s interesting, however, is that it shows a photo of Superman’s black costume in all its glory. You can check it out in the gallery below along with the photo which surfaced yesterday, which shows a new action figure of Supes teasing the very same thing.

It’s unclear if this is hinting that the suit will appear in Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon’s upcoming blockbuster, but it’s certainly intriguing that it’s pictured here. And again, this is far from the first time that the black costume has been teased, leading us to believe that its inclusion in the Studio Tour guide may indeed be a sign of things to come. In fact, at this point, we’d probably be more surprised if the Big Blue Boy Scout didn’t end up wearing this particular suit in the film, than if he did.

Regardless, we’ll find out soon enough if the Man of Steel will be getting a costume change, as Justice League zooms into theaters on November 17th. Further down the pipeline, Warner Bros. has also reserved space on its slate for AquamanWonder Woman 2 and Shazam, the latter of which is eyeing a production start in early 2018. Word is that an April 2019 release is on the cards, but one way or another, there’s no place for Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam.