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Joss Whedon Has “Significantly Altered” Justice League

It's one of the big questions that has loomed over Justice League ever since Joss Whedon climbed aboard: will the two-time Avengers director be accredited for his contribution to the Warner Bros. event movie?

It’s one of the big questions that has loomed over Justice League ever since Joss Whedon climbed aboard: will the two-time Avengers director be accredited for his contribution to the Warner Bros. event movie?

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Turns out the answer to the question is a resounding ‘yes’ – but there is one caveat. As was revealed in Warner’s press release this week, Whedon has officially received a credit for his work on the Justice League screenplay, as opposed to a director’s credit, which has led many to believe that his tinkering was much more significant than simply “fine-tuning” the work already in place. It turns out there may be some truth to that, too, as the latest report to tumble off the rumor mill claims that the changes Whedon’s made are “significant.”

Though obviously unconfirmed by the studio, who’ve been keeping rather quiet on the whole situation since the director first climbed aboard, here’s what Batman On Film had to say about what’s going on behind the scenes of Justice League.

The debate over how much of the film Joss Whedon has changed is one that will probably continue to rage on indefinitely, as it’s unlikely Warner Bros. will ever let us know exactly what went on during these reshoots. That being said, this is far from the first time we’re hearing that The Avengers director has made substantial changes and this latest report, though unconfirmed, only adds more fuel to the proverbial fire.

Whether you choose to believe BOF or not is up to you, but we’ll find out quite soon what the deal is, as Justice League is due to arrive on November 17th. Elsewhere in the fledgling DCEU, director David Sandberg has officially set the wheels in motion on Shazam, while a recently-released Wonder Woman epilogue seemingly lays the groundwork for Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon’s mega-budget ensemble movie.