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Classified Resistance 3 Beta Date Information Leaks

Classified information has become available to us digital soldiers, who are itching to hop onto the battlefield of the ongoing Chimeran War. Thanks to Sony, we now know when our beta deployment dates will be. It's been announced that the Resistance 3 multiplayer beta will start early, on August 4, for those who picked up a copy of Socom 4 in North America. PlayStation Plus subscribers will have to wait until August 23 to hop into the explosive action.

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Classified information has become available to us digital soldiers, who are itching to hop onto the battlefield of the ongoing Chimeran War. Thanks to Sony, we now know when our beta deployment dates will be.

It’s been announced that the Resistance 3 multiplayer beta will start early, on August 4, for those who picked up a copy of SOCOM 4 in North America. PlayStation Plus subscribers will have to wait until August 23 to hop into the explosive action.

In Europe, PlayStation Plus account owners can look forward to shooting those ugly Chimera on August 10. No plans have been announced for non-subscribers there, though the PlayStation Europe Blog has made a promise to them, stating that there will be “further opportunities”.

This beta trial will allow gamers to battle it out on two different maps: seaside and trainyard. Available game modes will include team deathmatch and chain reaction, with a level cap of 20. To add incentive, Insomniac Games are also going to implement upgradeable weapons/abilities and unlockable character skins.

To make the wait all that more difficult, we’ve supplied a video showcasing some footage from the upcoming Resistance 3 beta. It shows some action-packed combat on the trainyard map, with some cool-looking power-ups including a personal force field and a decoy hologram.


The retail version of Resistance 3 will deploy onto North American shores on September 6.