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Injustice 2 DLC Details “Coming Soon,” Says NetherRealm’s Ed Boon

With less than two weeks to go until NetherRealm's star-studded brawler Injustice 2 hits PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and its roster now largely fleshed out, thoughts are already starting to wonder towards what the developer has planned in regards to DLC for the DC brawler, and it looks as if you won't need to wait long in order to find out what sorts of DC themed treats it has in store for the beat 'em up.

With less than two weeks to go until NetherRealm’s star-studded brawler Injustice 2 hits PlayStation 4 and Xbox One – and its roster now largely fleshed out – thoughts are already starting to wonder towards what the developer has planned in regards to DLC for the DC mash-up. Thankfully, it looks as if you won’t need to wait long in order to find out what sorts of treats it has in store for the beat ’em up for the future and beyond.

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Taking to Twitter earlier today, NetherRealm’s Ed Boon assured those patiently awaiting more details that DLC news is “coming soon,” adding that the studio suspects that, whatever it is that’s going on behind closed doors, fans are going to love what’s to be announced. You can see the Tweet in question below, which is adorned with a short GIF featuring Conan O’Brien and Andy Richter looking rather excited in anticipation of the news.

As we all know, of course, ‘soon’ could be anywhere from a few days away to several weeks from now, but that certainly won’t stop you, me or the rest of the internet from indulging in a session of speculation. Nine character slots still sit unoccupied on NetherRealm’s official roster, so if we’re to assume Joker’s reveal last week marked the bookend to Injustice 2′s pre-launch hype, that still leaves plenty of room for additional fighters to be added via DLC.

It’s possible that all of these are reserved for additional DC characters, but what about guest appearances? You only need to look at NetherRealm’s Mortal Kombat X to know that the studio is big on including iconic faces from other franchises, but what about its own?

A poll Boon ran last year (thanks, GameRant) that asked fans to register which Mortal Kombat character they’d most like to see appear in Injustice 2 ended with Sub-Zero the clear winner with 52% of the vote. That, of course, isn’t concrete proof that such a crossover will happen, but it’s likely that the icy combatant will be the first pick, should NetherRealm decide to act on it.

The possibilities are numerous, then, but while we wait for Boon and NetherRealm to say more, Injustice 2‘s launch should provide more than enough superpowered action to tide you over when it launches May 16. For those who’ve missed any of the numerous story or character trailers released over the last few weeks, you can head over to our archive for an action-packed catch-up session.