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Outlast 2 Refused Classification In Australia

Survival horror sequel Outlast 2 has been refused classification by the Australian Classification Board, reports Kotaku, meaning the title will not see a release in the country in its current form. The full ruling, which the site received, reveals that the decision for refusal arises from Outlast 2 containing scenes that depict implied sexual violence to the game's two main characters, including one that appears to be a "ritualistic orgy."

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Survival horror sequel Outlast 2 has been refused classification by the Australian Classification Board, reports Kotaku, meaning the title will not see a release in the country in its current form. The full ruling, which the site received, reveals that the decision for refusal arises from Outlast 2 containing scenes that portray implied sexual violence, including one that appears to depict a “ritualistic orgy.”

Games that fall under Outlast 2‘s current categorization are placed there due to the way in which they “depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified.”

Interestingly enough, the Outlast 2 demo released last year received an R18+ rating in the country, but it didn’t include the scene in question that the Board has taken issue with in the full release. According to the ruling, if the offending scene in question were to be removed, then Outlast 2 would likely pass the classification process with the same age rating given to the demo, although developer Red Barrels would need to resubmit the game following such changes.

Whether or not the studio is willing to do so remains to be seen, but if not, then there will be no legal way for Australian fans to obtain or play the game when it launches next month. It’s well known that Australia’s ratings board is considerably stricter on games of an explicit nature, with several big name titles having been refused classification over the years due to their depiction of violence or extreme gore.

Outlast 2 is out in North America, Europe and hopefully Australia on April 25 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.