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Is Russell Crowe Interested In Playing Cable In Deadpool 2?

The role of Cable in Deadpool 2 has been causing an awful lot of chatter around Hollywood lately. Despite Pierce Brosnan being all but confirmed for it, 20th Century Fox has remained quiet on the matter, giving us no indication yet as to who they're looking to cast. With work on the sequel's script still being done, it'll likely be a while longer before we hear anything official, but that hasn't stopped another heavyweight from showing some signs of interest.

The role of Cable in Deadpool 2 has been causing an awful lot of chatter around Hollywood lately. Despite Pierce Brosnan being all but confirmed for it, 20th Century Fox has remained quiet on the matter, giving us no indication yet as to who they’re looking to cast. With work on the sequel’s script still being done, it’ll likely be a while longer before we hear anything official, but that hasn’t stopped another heavyweight from showing some signs of interest.

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Earlier today, Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld put up the following Tweet:

Seems innocent enough, but then Russell Crowe responded, which prompted an interesting exchange. Check it out below:

None of this is confirmation of anything, of course, but it’s intriguing nonetheless, as Crowe doesn’t exactly rule out the possibility of playing Cable. Sure, the actor may not be blatantly throwing his hat into the ring for the part, either, but he did tag Reynolds in that last Tweet and if nothing else, it’s fun to speculate based on his comments.

That being said, it’d be foolish to read too much into this, as these types of exchanges happen all the time over social media. Still, it’s not hard to imagine an actor like Russell Crowe bringing Cable to life, and now that the idea’s been put into our heads, we’re actually kind of eager to see it happen.

At the very least, Crowe would probably be a better choice than Brosnan, and we already know that he’s got an interest in comic book movies given his role in Man of Steel. None of this is to say that anything will come from the Tweets you see above, but with Fox still having given us no indication as to who may play Cable, it’s really anyone’s guess at this point.

Tell us, what do you make of all this? Is Crowe showing interest in the Deadpool 2 role with his Tweets? And more importantly, would he be a good fit for the part? Let us know what you think in the usual place!